Page 39 of Runaway Whirlwind

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Corey meets us at the house to hand over the keys while I hand him the cash I pulled out of the bank on our way. I’m grateful to him that he’s letting us keep this rental agreement unofficial, but I still don’t like the way he watches my babygirl as she bounces on her tiptoes with excitement. I can’t really blame him since Dolly is clearly not wearing a bra as her ample tits bounce under her thin black sweater.

Fuck that.

I do blame him because he shouldn’t be looking at her in the first place. He snaps out of it real quick and looks away when he catches my death glare, then makes a hasty exit to his car, booking it down the gravel drive with me staring after him the whole way.

Once he’s out of sight, I turn to Dolly and scoop her up, much to her delight, and she giggles. Goddamn, I love that sound.

“Alright, let’s get everything moved in, and then we can go furniture shopping.” I carry her through the front door and set her on her feet, taking her mouth in a long, heated kiss before letting go. “I’ll start bringing boxes in if you’ll put stuff away where you want. Ok?”

“Yup! Ready and waiting.”

“Just how I like you.” I wink, and her cheeks go pink when she catches the innuendo.

Dolly unpacks the food first and then each box as I bring them inside. It really is pathetic how little stuff I have to my name and that it took less than two hours to pack up my life, but in a way, it feels like a fresh slate. We can pick everything out together from now on, fill our home, and build our life together from the ground up.

By the time I finish bringing in the last box, Dolly has set out a little sandwich spread for lunch.

“This looks good, babygirl, and I’m starving. Thank you,” I say as I lean down to give her a quick kiss.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t come up with anything else since I don’t know how to cook yet. I’m hoping Mama can teach me a little the next time we see her.” She bites the inside of her cheek as she looks down at her sandwich, and I can’t have none of that.

I tip her chin up to look at me. “I wouldn’t care if you couldn’t even make a sandwich. I know how to cook, and I’ll cook for all of us—every single meal of every single day if need be. If you want to learn how to cook, then Mama and I will be happy to teach you. But please know you don’t have to cook if you don’t want to, ok?”

Dolly’s gorgeous blue eyes are glassy as she nods her head. “Ok, but I do want to learn, even if you don’t think I have to. I want to be able to feed you and the—” She steps back and cuts herself off, her eyes going wide as she bites her bottom lip.

I can’t help the smug grin that ticks my lips up at the sides as I cage her in against the kitchen counter and move a hand down to palm her lower belly. “You want to be able to feed me and the baby. Is that what you were going to say?” She doesn’t answer, but her breath hitches, and her pupils dilate. I lean in closer until our noses are touching and drop my voice lower. “Yeah, I think that’s exactly what you were going to say. You want to feed your man and our baby. Well, babies, since we’ll be having five of them, and they’re all going to be big and hungry. Ain’t that right?”

She squeaks as I take her mouth with a rough kiss and shove the hand that was on her belly down to cup her pussy over her jeans. “If I didn’t know for a fact you’re sore after our shower this morning, I’d spin you around and fuck you from behind against this countertop and fill your pussy again. But since you are and we need to get to the furniture store, I’ll leave it alone for now. Just know, though, that I’m hard as fuck knowing you want to learn to cook so you can feed our family.”

Dolly rolls her hips against my palm, and I give her a squeeze before pulling away. She’s all but panting now, but she tries to compose herself, standing up straight and smoothing invisible wrinkles out of her sweater.

She clears her throat. “That, um, that was not what I was going to say. Because I told you, I will not be having your gigantic, vagina-breaking babies, and thus, I won’t have any babies to cook for.”

“Sure, babygirl. Whatever you want to tell yourself.” I wink again, and she blushes, looking away

Chapter 23


The last five days have been surreal, feeling like nothing but the blink of an eye. A whirlwind of time and emotions. That’s how fast my life has changed—from escaping the hell I grew up in to standing in a giant furniture store holding Wyatt’s hand while we go over the list he put together of furniture we need for our new house.



Also kind of exciting.

“Alright, first things first,” Wyatt says as he pulls me deeper into the store. “Table and chairs so we don’t have to eat on the floor or stand at the counter.” Keeping hold of my hand, we make our way to the kitchen and dining area. “Pick out what you like.”

“What I like? What about you?”

“You saw my apartment and the furniture—or lack thereof—that I have. You can’t trust me with this kind of stuff.” Wyatt chuckles self-deprecatingly. “I promise I’ll like whatever you get, ok?”

I start bouncing on my toes, feeling giddy at being given free rein to fill the house with things I like, not the bare-bones utilitarian furniture my parents had since Dad refused to let Mom buy anything nice or even just plain old comfortable.

I’m sure shopping isn’t his favorite thing to do, but Wyatt doesn’t complain or huff as I stop to look at every single kitchen table and chair available, trying to pick out the perfect pieces. Even though he said he would like anything I pick, I want to make sure it’s all furniture he’ll be happy with, too, and won’t be too small or delicate since he’s such a big guy. I want him to be comfortable in our home.
