Page 5 of Runaway Whirlwind

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Without looking at me, he asks, “Do you have a towel in that bag of yours?”

“Uh, no, I didn’t think to pack one.”

He tells the cashier to add a towel to the total, and she hands him a receipt for the showers when he’s done paying for everything. He didn’t even give me a chance to pay for mine.

He’s still not looking at me when he says, “Come on. We’ll grab something to eat while we wait.” He steers me through the shop to the attached fast-food restaurant with his hand gently pressing against the small of my back. The feel of his hand sends a little tingle through me that I don’t understand. “What do you want to eat?” he asks me softly.

I only have the thirty dollars I managed to pilfer from Mom’s wallet in small increments, so I have to be careful with how much I spend. I’ve already decided to pay him back for the shower, so I search the menu for the cheapest options they have.

“Um, I’ll take the junior cheeseburger and a cup of ice water.”

“Do you want the meal or just the burger?” the bored cashier standing behind the counter asks me.

“Just the burger, please,” I answer and reach for my wallet, placing a five-dollar bill on the counter.

“That’s all you’re gonna get?” Wyatt asks me, his expression turning to concern. “It’s not enough. You’ve hardly eaten anything today.” He hasn’t dropped his hand from my back yet, and he rubs his thumb along the base of my spine and shakes his head again.

Is he keeping track of what I eat? Why would he do that?

Confused by his concern, I tell him, “With the shower, towel, and burger, that’s seventeen dollars already.” I drop my head in embarrassment, unable to look him or the cashier in the eye now.

With a gruff sound, he turns to the cashier and orders two double cheeseburger meals and a soda each. “I’m buying. Put your money away,” he says to me.

I timidly reach for the money on the counter and put it back in my wallet. As Wyatt leads me away from the counter to a booth, I tell him, “I can’t keep letting you pay for me. You’re already doing so much when you didn’t even want company in the first place. It wouldn’t be right.”

“You’re not ‘letting’ me do anything. I offered, and you’re going to accept, even if you don’t like it. I’m not going to let you go hungry for the next three days, or sooner than that, if you decide you’ve had enough of me and try to hitch a ride with someone else.”

I don’t know what to say to that. Things are going somewhat well. He hasn’t tried anything funny yet, and despite yelling and glaring at me and being kind of bossy, he’s been nice. I’ve been lucky so far, and I don’t think I want to chance it with someone else.

Wyatt drops his hand after pushing me into a booth and slides in on the opposite side. We sit in silence while eating our burgers, each of us lost in thought. I’m stuffed full and can’t remember the last time I had something as greasy and as good as that burger.

Quietly, I whisper, “Thank you,” and give him a small smile.

His eyes are soft and kind when he answers, “You’re welcome,” and he gives me a small smile in return.


It shouldn’t give me this much pleasure to feed this girl. From what I’ve gathered, she has a shit father, and she could do with some looking after. I was almost offended by her offer to pay me back for her measly burger and a quick shower. In fact, I probably should’ve given her both of the burgers.

As it is, she sits back and rubs her tummy when she finishes her meal. It brings another smile to my face, one that I hide behind my hand when I pretend to wipe my mouth with a napkin.

The digital display over the cashier’s head reads out our ticket numbers, and I lead her over to the shower area, gently steering her again with my hand on her back. This is the third or fourth time we’ve touched, and my body is humming at the contact, though it most definitely should not. Our shower rooms are next to each other, and I tell her I’ll wait for her in the hallway after I’m done. She thanks me again and disappears into her room while I go into mine.

Stripping down, I look in the mirror, which I typically avoid doing. I usually don’t let being such a big guy bring me down, not when there’s not much I can do about it without killing myself in the gym—something I’m not inclined to do. Loading and hauling keep me strong, but I’m soft in the middle and barrel-chested.

I think again about how small Dolly felt when I caught her by her waist as she fell. Christ, now I’m thinking about her stripping down like me on the other side of the wall. I close my eyes and will away the vision of her slowly dragging her jeans down, exposing a pair of silky, cheeky underwear that she then bends over to pull off. What would it look like to see her running her hands up her small waist as she pushes her hoodie up and over her head?

I’ve been in the truck too long, so stepping into the shower and letting the hot water run down my back feels like heaven. As I soap up my hands and start washing my chest, I think again of the young girl in her stall soaping herself up, too. Even with my eyes open, I can’t stop myself from picturing her running her delicate, slick hands up and down her body and gliding them over her breasts. I couldn’t tell how big or small they were under that hoodie of hers, but I bet they’re perky, her nipples puffy and soft from the heat of the shower.

My cock grows hard just thinking of her nipples, and I feel like the world’s biggest creep. I shouldn’t be having these thoughts about a girl young enough to be my daughter.

But she’s legal, my mind whispers.

My cock continues to thicken with every involuntary vision of her, and I try to ignore the urge to tug on it for as long as possible, but it’s a losing battle. Eventually, I can’t shake the urge, and I slide my hand down to grip my shaft with a punishingly tight fist.

I let my eyes drift closed, and in the fantasy I can no longer keep at bay, Dolly appears before me. She lathers more soap in her hands and starts with washing my shoulders, then trails down to wash my chest, lower to run her hands over my middle, and then all the way down until she’s holding my cock in her slippery hands.

“Fuck, babygirl,” I rasp out loud at the vision and slowly start stroking my cock, keeping my hand tight like I imagine her cunt to be.
