Page 55 of Runaway Whirlwind

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Since we skipped dinner last night, I make a huge breakfast spread in the morning. We finish eating just as the delivery truck comes rumbling down our driveway with our new furniture and TV. Dolly runs around directing the delivery guys where she wants each piece to go, and I grin at seeing our new king-size bed, thinking of all the ways I’d like to break it in with her.

What she doesn’t know is that I also ordered the crib and changing table set, as well as the oversized, pastel green nursery chair that I’d seen her eyes land on back at the furniture store. She might not have been conscious of it, but I saw the way her eyes had lit up.

“Wait, wait, wait.” She steps in front of the delivery guys, blocking them when they bring in the crib. “That’s not ours.”

I pull her back into my chest so she’s out of their way. “Go ahead, y’all. Right through that door,” I say with a grin, pointing to the third bedroom.

Dolly stops squirming in my arms, speechless, as the guys go back out to the truck and come back in with the changing table, though she has questions written all over her face.

I lower my hand to palm her lower abdomen and bend to kiss the crook of her neck, lowering my voice just for her to hear. “I told you, babygirl. It’s going to happen, and soon, with the number of times I’ve been cumming deep inside your pussy. You could be pregnant with my baby right now, though it’s too early to tell.” I kiss her again, and she melts back into my arms.


“But nothing. I know you want this just as much as I do. You love it when I cum inside you and sleep with my dick plugging your pussy so it won’t leak out. Don’t you, babygirl?”

Our eyes lock over her shoulder, and though she doesn’t respond with words, her face says it all. She feels the same longing for a family that I do. She may tell herself she doesn’t, what with her being so young and our relationship so new, moving at a million miles an hour, but she feels it. She wants it.

She twists in my arms and goes up on her tiptoes as I move to take her lips, but the moment is interrupted by one of the delivery guys clearing his throat.

“So, uh, we’re done, and we’re going to head out.” He walks past us without making eye contact, his cheeks darkening in embarrassment at having caught us in such an intimate moment.

I close and lock the front door, then lead Dolly into our bedroom, stalking her until the back of her knees hit the mattress. I’m hungry to break the bed in now but catch the time on the clock she has set up on the new nightstand. She turns to follow my eyes, and we groan in unison.

Hanging my head, I bury my nose in her hair. “Sorry, babygirl. I gotta get ready before my first day back at work. I’ll drop you off at the diner on the way for your shift.” She nods, though she looks just as reluctant to move away to get ready for work too. “I’ll meet you at the diner when I’m done, and then we’ll have all night for me to make it up to you.”

She fists the sides of my flannel shirt, pulling me closer. “Promise, Daddy?”

I kiss her, wishing so badly we could ignore everything so I can fill my woman up with cum before I have to leave her, but I’m not going to be able to provide for her if I don’t get my ass back to work.

“Promise, babygirl.”

Chapter 27


It’s been two weeks since I started working at the diner, and I feel like I’ve finally got the hang of it. I’ve only dropped two plates this week, which is a huge improvement from the two to three I was dropping every day last week.

My co-workers are amazing, too. Violet and I have quickly gotten close, and since Wyatt and her husband, Jared, already knew each other through work and were somewhat friends beforehand, we’ve taken to going out on double dates or hanging out with each other at one of our houses. She’s my first real friend, and I love getting to work with her for most of my shifts.

I’m starting to warm up to Faye as well. She no longer gives Wyatt big eyes and shy smiles when he picks me up from work. She saves them all for Harold, who blushes fire engine red whenever I catch them in the office together, their heads tipped close together and whispering to each other.

Wyatt pulls into the parking lot, hopping out to walk me to the diner’s front door. “Have a good day at work.” He kisses me sweetly before touching his forehead to mine and sighing. “I hate that I have to work so late tonight and can’t pick you up. You’re sure Violet can give you a ride home after your shift?”

I nod and tilt my head to kiss him.

“Alright. Just make sure you lock up and reset the alarm the minute you get home, ok?”

I nod again, and he deepens the kiss, then groans like it’s physically painful for him to pull away.

“Love you, babygirl.”

“Love you too, Daddy.”

He winks and jogs back to his pickup, and I wave to him before heading inside Granny’s. Usually, the bacon and maple syrup smell that greets me makes my mouth water, but something in the air smells rancid today. I make my way past the kitchen to the employee area and find Violet getting ready for the start of her shift.

“Oh god, do you smell that? Did they put something new on the menu?” I ask her.
