Page 57 of Runaway Whirlwind

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I somehow manage to make it through the rest of my shift, but only because there’s nothing left in my stomach to throw up. I’m seriously considering buying one of those little nose plugs that swimmers wear for my next shift, though I don’t know how well that will go over with Harold and the customers.

Violet and I stop at a corner pharmacy on the way to my house, and I promise her that I’m ok to take the test by myself and would call her soon.

Once I’m inside, I lock up and set the house alarm, then shuffle to the bathroom. I’m shaking with nerves as I take the test, then wash my hands and brush my teeth. I really don’t know what I want the results to be, and I spend the next three minutes while I wait going over all the reasons why it would be a bad idea for me to have a baby right now.

One—I’m only eighteen freaking years old. Eighteen! I’m barely an adult. What business do I have getting pregnant and having a baby right now?

Two—I’ve known the would-be father for three. Freaking. Weeks! Having a baby would tie me to him for the rest of my life after only knowing him for a blip of time.

Three—I just got my first job, and—

My spinning thoughts come to a screeching halt when I catch sight of the results in my peripheral. I grab the test and compare it to the infographic on the insert that came with it. Two dark pink lines mean…

I’m pregnant.

A wave of warmth engulfs me, and I watch as a huge smile spreads across my face when I look up in the mirror. All those reasons why it would be terrible to have a baby right now disappear as I place a hand on my belly and think I’m having Wyatt’s baby.

I jump out of my skin when my phone suddenly rings, and Wyatt’s name flashes on the screen. I answer the phone with happy tears rolling down my cheeks. “Hi, Daddy.”

“Hey, babygirl. I saw the alarm notification when you got home, but you didn’t call me after your shift. Everything ok?”

I come so close to blurting it out, but I want to see his face when I tell him the news in person. “Yeah…um, I just had a lot on my mind and forgot.”

“You sure you’re ok? It sounds like you’re upset.”

“I’m fine, I promise. Just tired after my shift. I can’t wait to see you when you get home. I miss you.”

“Miss you too. I’m still about an hour out from the warehouse, but I’ll be home as soon as I can. Ah shit, I gotta go. It looks like there’s a pileup ahead of me, and I need both hands.”

“Ok. Love you.” I mean it with my whole heart.

“I love you too, Dolly.”

When he disconnects the call, I decide to take a shower and pull on one of his big flannels that I dig out of the laundry hamper, pleased that it still faintly smells like him. I stand in front of the mirror and wonder what I’ll look like wearing this shirt with a huge belly stretching it out.

I decide to watch a little TV while I wait for Wyatt to get home, but pause a step when I pass the door to the nursery. I haven’t been in here since the day he surprised me with the baby furniture set he purchased.

I grip the door handle and step inside, slowly exploring the room and the pieces he picked out. He was right. This was the set my eyes kept settling on when I saw them on display at the furniture store.

The crib and changing table slash dresser combo are stained a light oak color. The oversized upholstered armchair he picked out sits angled across from the crib in the corner of the room, next to an empty bookshelf. I’m so tired after my shift at the diner, and the chair looks so comfy that I have to sit and test it out. It rocks back when I sit, and it’s then I realize not only does it rock, but there’s also a tab to pull so it will recline.

I pull it and sink deeper into the chair, rubbing my hand over my tummy while I picture the kind of bedding, decor, and books I want to get to decorate the nursery. I close my eyes as I imagine rocking our baby to sleep in this chair, safe and warm and peaceful, and I fall asleep with a smile on my face.


I knew it was going to be hard leaving Dolly after spending nearly every minute together that first week, but goddamn, this shit isn’t getting any easier. I count my blessings, though, that I was able to switch to just local jobs, which allows me to spend every single morning and night buried deep inside my babygirl.

Other than the hours we have to spend separated while we’re at work, these past few weeks have been the kind of happiness I could only dream of having before I met her. Dolly has become more confident in the kitchen, enjoys working at the diner, and is thrilled to have found an immediate close friendship with Violet.

I’ve always liked Violet, who is the polar opposite of her asshole sister, Crystal, so I’m more than happy to encourage them to spend more time together. Her husband, Jared, is a good one, too, and now that I’m no longer long-hauling, our own friendship has developed.

I don’t know how much time we’ll be able to spend hanging out with them once we have our first baby, though. I haven’t seen any visible changes or symptoms of pregnancy in Dolly, but after three weeks together, Dolly hasn’t had her period yet. I don’t know if she’s keeping track of it herself, but I’m almost obsessive about it.

Strike that, I am full-blown obsessed with it.

I’m trying not to get my hopes up since she very well could get her period within the next week. I should have asked her when her last period was, but then she would know that I’ve been keeping track, which would freak her out.

I make it my mission to cum inside her every chance I get, and she’s complained more than once about being forced to go to work without being able to clean up. I think it’s the only thing that makes being separated from her tolerable—knowing she’s at work all day with my cum soaking her cute, little panties.
