Page 7 of Runaway Whirlwind

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When we make it back to the truck, I open the passenger side door for Dolly. I show her the small steps she missed before and how to properly get in and out so she doesn’t have to jump and climb like she did the first time. My hand drifts lower, close to the swell of her ass, as she steps up, placing each foot carefully on the small, steep steps.

She smiles down at me when she’s up and in her seat, but I can’t quite look her straight in the face after the things I was fantasizing about in the shower—or the thrill I just got from touching her again.

Once inside, I make sure the doors are locked before stepping into the back portion of the cab and pulling down the fold-out bed attached to the back wall. I grab one of my two pillows and throw it on my seat up front, leaving the blanket on the bed for her.

“I only have the one mattress, so you can sleep back there tonight, and I’ll sleep up here,” I tell her as I pull the blackout curtains along the track to fully cover the front and side windows. I sit and recline my chair as far back as it will go, which unfortunately isn’t very far, and stuff the pillow behind my head.

“We’re sleeping in here?”

I shouldn’t be surprised that she doesn’t know anything about sleeper cabs or that many truckers choose to sleep in their cabs instead of spending money on hotel or motel rooms. I have most of what we need in here—a bed, mini fridge, microwave, and a few storage compartments for everything else.

“‘Course we are. I didn’t know I’d have a passenger in tow when I mapped out my route, and this truck stop doesn’t have a motel nearby anyway. The mattress is nice enough, and it’ll have to do for now.”

After a minute’s hesitation, she says, “Thank you, but I don’t need the bed. I’ll be fine up here. You should take it after spending all day driving.” When I don’t make a move to get up and just raise my brow at her, she adds, “Please, you’ve already done so much for me. You take the bed, and I’ll stay up here.”

“Fine,” I say, unwilling to argue about it when I know I’m going to pass out the second I close my eyes. This has been one of the longest days of my life, and I need to get some good sleep in before the next leg of the trip. I hand her my pillow, then take the blanket from the mattress and drop it on her lap. “The truck is good and locked. Just make sure to keep the windows covered.”

When she’s turned away, I shuck my sweatshirt off and lay down facing the back wall. I look back over my shoulder to call out goodnight but stop when I see she’s unwrapped the towel covering her hair. Though it’s dark in here with the blackout curtains blocking the daylight, my eyes adjust enough to see she’s brushing through long, wet hair that hangs down to the middle of her back.

The vision of her in the shower on her knees snaps to the forefront of my mind, only now I can see myself running my fingers through her thick locks, fisting them as she leans forward to kiss my cock.

Closing my eyes, I force myself to forget the vision and ignore the arousal that’s stirred up again so I can fall asleep.

Chapter 6


When I pull my towel off to let my hair down and start brushing through it, I peek over my shoulder to see Wyatt turning his head away quickly. He’s taken off his sweatshirt and is getting settled on the mattress with his broad back to me. Within seconds, he’s out like a light, and I wish I had the ability to just shut off my brain and fall asleep like that.

With him asleep and the windows covered, I decide to switch into my sleep shorts and leave my hoodie on. I recline my seat and cover myself with the blanket Wyatt gave me. I feel bad knowing this was his only blanket, apparently, since he doesn’t have one now.

I lay there for an hour, unable to fall asleep despite how tired I am after my escape and the hours I’ve already spent on the road. I can’t stop thinking about all the wild and scary things I’ve done today and how it all could have gone so wrong so easily at any point in this journey.

I also can’t stop my mind from wandering back to Wyatt and how his thick thighs looked in his soft pajama pants, though I try not to. There’s a weird little flutter in my belly when I remember what his butt looked like in them too.

As another hour passes, the air gets chillier. If this truck has any heating, it’s either not turned on or it’s broken. I’m starting to shiver, even with the hoodie and the blanket covering me, and eventually, I’m cold enough to make a decision that I hope won’t upset Wyatt.

I quietly slide out of my seat, grab the blanket and pillow, and step into the back. It’s pretty dark in here, but my eyes adjust enough to see that there isn’t much room on the bed, especially with how big he is. When my teeth start chattering, I make my move.

Draping the blanket over Wyatt, I pull up a corner and carefully step on the bed and over him. I squeeze into the small space between him and the wall, settling on my side with him at my back. I pull the covers up to my chin, and after a few minutes, I’m finally warm enough to stop shivering.

I must not have been careful or quiet enough, though, because I feel him release a harsh exhale into my hair. I freeze when one of his thick, heavy arms settles over my side. When his breathing slows and evens out again, I slowly relax into him and close my eyes, falling asleep in the warmth of his hold.


I wake with one hand molded to a large, soft tit and the other inside a warm, wet pussy. My dick is rock solid, and I’m dry-humping the cleft of the ass in front of me. I thought I was having the hottest, most vivid wet dream of my life, but I freeze the moment I realize what’s really happening.

I crack an eye and see that, at some point, while I was asleep, Dolly squeezed herself in between me and the wall, and I’m horrified at what I’m doing to this girl. I must have started touching her while I was dreaming.


Dolly has a hold on the wrist of my hand that is inside her panties, and she moans loudly, “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.” She rolls her hips back and forth to move my two fingers that are inside her, pressing her ass back into my crotch with each roll.

Oh shit, this is so hot but so goddamn wrong.

She’s got to be dreaming, too, because if she were awake, she would be horrified if she knew they were my fingers stuffed in her pussy. She’s barely legal, and I’m old enough to be her father, I remind myself. She can’t possibly want what I’m doing to her, at least not with me.
