Page 72 of Runaway Whirlwind

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“Oh, you’re gonna get it now, babygirl, after laughing at me”. I push up onto my knees and hike her legs over my shoulders. Leaning forward, I fold her nearly in half and thrust into her roughly, though I keep a watchful eye, making sure she isn’t in any pain. Her laughter gives way to moaning, and I withdraw and thrust forward harder this time. “Goddamn, baby. Magic pussy here and all mine. Take my cock like a good girl and scream my name.” I drive into her again and again and have to slap a hand over her mouth to muffle her screams of pleasure so we don’t wake the baby.

She bucks her hips and uses her legs over my shoulders for leverage, matching me thrust for thrust. Her hungry pussy swallows my cock, sucking me in deeper until she clenches so tight that my eyes roll back in my head. She cums so hard she sobs and writhes under me, screaming my name just like I told her to.

I lose my breath battling back my own orgasm, pumping into her tight as fuck channel to draw hers out until her pussy stops pulsing around me. I drag in a ragged breath and throw my head back, unloading more cum in her when the pleasure reaches its peak.

I gently pull her twitching legs off my shoulders, dropping them to the bed where they go lax. I collapse on top of her again and drift off to sleep almost immediately, more than satisfied that my cock and cum are finally back where they belong—home inside my woman, my wife, the mother of my child, and the love of my life.

Chapter 33


Mom smiles at me reassuringly. “Dolly, honey, we’ve got everything covered. Wyatt’s already shown me how to thaw the bags of frozen breast milk for William’s bottles, and he’ll walk me through everything else before he has to leave.”

I twist my hands, shifting from foot to foot. “But what about—”

Wyatt squeezes my shoulders gently with his large, warm hands from behind me. “William will be just fine while we’re at work. Of course, if you want to, you can stay home with him instead of going back to work. I’m sure Harold will understand.” He rubs his hands up and down my arms and draws me back into his chest, dropping a kiss on the crown of my head.

“N-No. I can do this,” I say with more confidence than I feel, trying so hard to stay strong and not cry like I have been all morning.

Today is my first day back at the diner after giving birth to William six months ago. This will be the longest I’ve been away from my son, longer than the few hours here and there when Mom and Mama have babysat him so Wyatt and I could have some alone time together. I know Mom knows how to take care of him and that he’ll be happy and safe with her, but eight hours feels more like eight days—that’s how torn up I am over being separated for so long.

But I need to do this.

I straighten my spine, forcing a smile I don’t feel at all on my face. I know Wyatt can tell it’s not genuine, but he doesn’t bring up my staying home again. He just cups my face, tilting my head to the side to give me a sweet kiss, wiping away the stray tear that escapes the corner of my eye.

It takes me forever to finally finish saying goodbye to William, Wyatt, and Mom and then finally walk out the front door without my baby. I fist my hands in the skirt of my new, larger pink uniform I picked up from the diner yesterday, trying like hell to keep myself from running back inside and snatching my son out of Mom’s arms.

I feel cute, just like I did when I got my first uniform, though everything fits a little differently now that I have more curves. Wyatt nearly had a fit when he saw just how much less of my chest my newest uniform covers now that my boobs are roughly half my body weight. At least that’s what it feels like, especially when they’re engorged with milk. Good god, they really are ginormous, and I have a permanent ache in my back.

Wyatt follows me out of the house and hands me my backpack with the small cooler, milk bags, and my portable breast pump, which I need to take with me so I can pump during breaks at work. He kisses me one last time before walking me to the driveway and opening the driver’s side door of the ridiculously large SUV he bought me just before we had William. I practically have to climb up into it like I do his rig. It’s a freaking tank and totally unnecessary, in my opinion, but he said it’s for all the babies he plans to put in me.

Not that I’m going to let him.

One and done I keep telling him now that the realities of sleep deprivation and chafed nipples have sunk in. Plus, William damn near broke my vagina, just like I knew any baby of Wyatt’s would. And nope, nope, nope, I’m not doing it again, no matter how stinking cute William is, and how much I love him, and loved being pregnant with him, and loved the way Wyatt worshiped my body throughout my pregnancy—and continues to worship my new, postpartum body.

I sit in the SUV and stare at our little green house for a long time, finally releasing the torrent of tears that have been gathering behind my eyes while thinking about leaving my little family for a whole day for the first time.

You can do this, Dolly. Just turn the key and drive to work.

Wyatt stands on the front porch, leaning against the doorframe, and raises his dark brow when I still haven’t turned the key in the ignition after five minutes.

That does it.

I am a strong, independent woman. I can do this, I repeat to myself over and over on the drive to the diner, and luckily, by the time I make it there, I’m actually excited to see everyone again. As soon as I step inside Granny’s, I’m inundated with the familiar smells of maple syrup, pancakes, and frying bacon. I inhale deeply and smile.

My coworkers and some of the old regulars I didn’t see yesterday when I picked up my uniform surround me to give me hugs or wave from their seats.

Harold breaks through the crowd and pats me on the shoulder, his gold wedding band flashing under the fluorescent lighting. He gives me a warm smile and says, “Welcome back, Miss Dolly.”

I immediately burst into tears.

“I can’t do this,” I say to no one in particular, then turn and sprint right back out to my SUV.

I tear out of the parking lot, racing to get back home to my family. My tires skid when I slam on the brakes in front of our little green house. The front door flies open, and there’s Wyatt, grinning and holding his arms out to me when I climb out of the SUV and run to him. I throw mine over his shoulders, and he boosts me up and carries me inside as I cry into his thick neck.

“I couldn’t do it. I want to be strong and independent, but I can’t leave him for a whole day.”

“Shh, babygirl. You’re still strong. So incredibly strong. There’s nothing weak about wanting to stay home with William and any of our future kids, I promise.” He settles onto the couch with me, straddling his lap, and tips my chin up. “How about this? We start looking into what you can do from home so you can still make your own money and be independent. Or if you want to go to college to get your degree or take any certification classes, we can make that happen, too.”
