Page 9 of Runaway Whirlwind

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At some point during the night, Wyatt must have pulled me closer, and he currently has one hand under my hoodie, kneading my bare breast and tugging on my nipple. He has his other hand draped over my waist and inside my shorts and panties, with not one but two of his thick fingers pumping in and out of my sex.

Pussy, I think, with a delicious thrill. I’ve never used that word before. It’s so sexy and perfectly fits what he’s doing to me now, how he’s making me feel. I’ve also never had anyone touch me like this before. The idea that Wyatt—an older, rugged Viking of a man—wants me in this way pushes me toward the edge of something wonderful. His fingers are so much thicker than mine and far more satisfying than the handful of times I’ve tried exploring myself. The way he curls them has my back arching and hips rolling in a way they’ve never done before.

When he suddenly goes rigid and stops pumping them in and out, my heart sinks with the realization that maybe he was dreaming this whole time. Maybe it’s not me he wants. I’m so disappointed by that thought, but I’m also too far gone and desperate for the release I’ve never been able to give myself, no matter how much I tried.

I reach down, grip his wrist, and roll my hips again. I beg him, “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.” My heart rate picks up when I feel his decision to keep going, even though it’s me he has his fingers inside of and not whoever he was dreaming about.

I have no control over the pants and moans that escape my lips as we reposition. Wyatt pulls my panties to the side, sliding what I know has to be a massive cock through my slick folds. Every time his fingers roll my clit as he thrusts back and forth through my slit, it sends a zap of electricity through my body.

Hearing him call me babygirl does something to my brain, and my pleasure ratchets higher and higher each time he growls in my ear. His beard scrapes against my neck, and it feels even better than I imagined in my fantasy.

I roll my hips harder back and forth. When I arch my back again, the angle changes and his dick breaches the entrance of my pussy, stretching it wider than it’s ever been. I gasp in surprise when I feel his cum fill my channel, pulse after pulse of wet heat.

The feeling is exquisite.

My inner muscles spasm when the fire building in my core explodes. I scream his name as the fire licks across my lower body, and I finally have my very first orgasm. It is the most intoxicating pleasure I’ve ever felt as waves of pure ecstasy flood my system. Now that I know what an orgasm feels like, I know I’m going to want more and more of it again and again. I can’t imagine going back to the awkward fumbling of my own small fingers.

I smile as I pant, trying to catch my breath. The fact that it’s Wyatt who gave me this unimaginable pleasure makes my mind and body sing. He continues to hold me as our breathing finally evens out and our heart rates come back down. I’m in such a state of relaxation I think I could go back to sleep just like this in his arms with his cock still trapped inside me.

I never want this feeling to end.

But suddenly, he jerks his softening cock out of me and throws himself to the edge of the bed, sitting up and facing away from me. My heart sinks when he starts apologizing. Did he not like what we just did? Or did he just not like doing it with me?

I’ve never felt closer to another human being than I did just now in the circle of his arms, especially when he called me babygirl in his deep, gruff voice. So there’s no hesitation as I roll over and sit up on my knees, then crawl toward him, needing to touch him and reassure him that he has nothing to apologize for. I circle my arms around his shoulders, hugging his thick, strong body from behind.

I’m pleased I was right about him having chest hair that covers his pecs and trails in a line down his belly, disappearing into the waistband of his pajamas. I drag my fingertips through it, feeling bold and sexy and free.

I feel like a woman.

Leaning into him, I place a small kiss just below his ear, breathing in his musky scent. I could get used to the smell of him, the feel of him.

“Please don’t apologize, Wyatt.” My voice is raspy after moaning and screaming his name. “I wanted it. I’m the one who crawled into bed with you, and I liked the way it felt with you holding me and touching me.” I try kissing his neck again, maybe hoping he’ll turn his head and give me my first kiss, but he stops me with a growl.

“Goddamnit, Dolly!” He jumps up from the bed and turns to face me with a look of sheer disgust and disdain aimed right at me.

I startle and jerk back at his raised voice. For a second, an image of Dad’s face of rage is superimposed over his, making me flinch.

“How can you say that? Are you really that desperate for a ride you’d lie about liking an old bastard like me raping you? Christ, you’re just a kid!”

You’re a stupid, disgusting child, Dolores!

I scramble back until I hit the wall. Wyatt is furious, and his yelling scares me more than when we first met. My body starts shaking as my heart beats wildly in my chest, fear and adrenaline pumping through my veins. How did he go from praising me and touching me like he worshiped my body to…to this? Like I’m something dirty and shameful.

My voice comes out shakier than I want it to when I tell him, “I-I promise I’m not lying to you. And you didn’t rape me. How can you say that? I wanted you to keep going. I told you not to stop. And…and I’m a woman, not a kid.” Hot tears gather in the backs of my eyes, though I try desperately to hold them in so as not to show just how scared of him I am right now.

“You are just a kid! I’m old enough to be your dad, goddamnit! It’s sick and wrong. You’re either lying to yourself about wanting me for some godforsaken reason, or you pulled a fast one on me and really are some kind of whore, selling me a bullshit sob story so I’ll feel sorry enough to give you a ride.” He starts pacing back and forth as he finishes his tirade, running his hands across his scalp and muttering under his breath.

You’re a whore just like your mother, Dolores!

Fisting my hands, I leap out of bed, my fear turning to rage. “I am not a whore!” I scream in his face, but just then, I feel something wet trail down my inner thighs. A cold dread slowly begins to sink in when I look down and realize what I’m feeling and seeing is his cum leaking out of me. I choke on my next breath at the sight.

Oh no, no, no, no.

Wyatt sees it, too, and his face mirrors my horrified expression. “Well, you sure as shit act like a whore, letting me nut in you not even twenty-four hours after we met. Fucking hell, I can’t believe I just fucked a lizard without a condom.”

I flinch once more at his insult and back up as far away from him as possible in this tight space. He fists his beard, tugging on it like he would if he had a head full of hair while he mutters and curses under his breath. Then he stops short and pivots, nailing me in place with his stare.

“Is this what you do, Dolly?” He says my new name with such contempt. “Do you throw those big puppy-dog eyes of yours around, play all innocent to reel in suckers like me? Get men to pay for all your shit if you just throw them a little bit of pussy?”
