Page 32 of Enigma

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My body quivered with pleasure while his tongue delicately danced with mine, creating an electrifying sensation. I had never felt such a strong longing in my entire life. As we kissed, our tongues explored each other’s mouths, creating a fiery and intoxicating connection. What started as a timid kiss, quickly escalated into a fervent and passionate exchange. His tongue expertly danced with mine, swirling and twirling in a tantalizing rhythm that sent waves of pleasure coursing through my body.

Time didn’t exist. The world fell silent, and I found myself lost in the man’s embrace that I had always yearned for. Eugene’s hand pulled my head closer and the kiss deepened, creating an undeniable connection between us. I couldn’t let go of him. Afraid if I did, the last few minutes would evaporate into nothing as if it wasn’t meant to be.

With each thrust of his tongue against mine, his hands grew bolder in their exploration. I found myself gripping his arm tightly, unable to let go. Within a hair’s breadth of my rear, Eugene’s arm diverted its path to delicately brush against my thighs. With each deliberate movement, a tingling sensation spread, causing my nipples to harden with anticipation.

Exploring every contour, he leisurely moved across the soft plane of my stomach, the fabric of my shirt adding a subtle layer of intimacy. With a lingering touch, he continued upward, brushing against the sensitive skin just below my breasts. I moved my body in anticipation, desperately craving the caress against my skin, but Eugene leisurely took his time. I knew that he was teasing me, meticulously examining all the slopes, curves, and valleys that he could reach. I savored the sensation of his lips softly pressing against mine, our tongues engaged in a passionate dance, the kiss lingering without interruption.

Finally, his hand found its way to my heaving chest, firmly grasping it. The touch of his fingertips against my nipple, even with the barrier of fabric, ignited a powerful wave of desire that coursed through my entire body. My hands instinctively clasped his head tighter, as if trying to hold on to the electrifying sensation of his lips meeting mine. In that instant, a gasp erupted from my lips, overwhelmed by the insatiable hunger of his kiss. With every stroke, my body responded with waves of ecstasy. His touch awakened every nerve in my breast.

As Eugene released my neck, I could feel his calloused fingers trailing down my body, leaving a tingling sensation in their wake. His fingers traced along my spine and my body instinctively arched, craving his touch. Downward he went, his fingers traversing my torso, gently grazing my ribs and abdomen, until they settled on my hips. Then, suddenly, he broke our kiss, leaving me breathless and disoriented as my body tingled with anticipation. I looked at him, knowing that he could see the need in my eyes. Without pause, he gently pulled on my aroused nipple beneath the fabric. With my eyes closed, I leaned forward, yearning for the sensation of his lips against mine again. His hand left my breast and moved to my shoulder, lightly barring me from him. I opened my eyes, searching his face for the answers. He didn’t say anything, as he gripped my waist before lifting me up.


Resting my hands on his shoulders, I let him pull me up while my legs wrapped around his waist. He carried me over to the bed, leaning back against his pillows. I shifted my legs, feeling his hardened cock press against my overly sensitive pussy. I shut my eyes and tilted my head back, relishing the delightful pressure of his throbbing member against my core.

Eugene remained motionless as I leaned into him, his hands on my waist generating a soothing heat that enveloped me. I straightened myself, feeling a surge of confidence and locked eyes with him. I slid my hands off his shoulders, as I explored the contours of his chest, tracing every ridge and curve. I could feel the heat of his body through the thin layer of his shirt as my hands moved down his torso. With a longing in my heart, I leaned in, drawing him back into a heated kiss that he had prematurely interrupted.

Cupping the curve of my ass, I couldn’t help but release a soft moan, overwhelmed by the intimate touch. His tongue possessed my mouth, his hands possessed my flesh, and his passion loomed, ready to possess my soul. I couldn’t believe that this was really happening, but I wasn’t about to stop it.

Breaking the kiss, I sat back up and couldn’t help but notice the way his eyes sparkled in the dim light. A small grin played on his lips, as if he anticipated my next move. His touch on my rear end was gentle yet insistent, matching the subtle movements of his hips that expressed his desperate desire. I reached out and my finger made contact with his lips, causing him to stop moving. For now, I wanted to enjoy this. After all, it’d be the only chance I would ever have.

A smile naturally spread across my face, mirroring his own. As I mustered up the courage, my heart started to flutter slowly, creating a rhythmic reminder of the momentous decision ahead. With a deliberate motion, I brought my hands up to the bottom of my shirt, maintaining eye contact as I gradually removed it. I wanted to reveal myself to him, to let him see the real me. The room’s cool air did little to counteract the fiery warmth that spread through me when his eyes grazed over my semi-naked body. I absentmindedly tossed my shirt over my shoulder. The thin white fabric of my bra was the only thing standing between his penetrating gaze and the vulnerability of my naked breasts.

His eyes widened, betraying a range of emotions that I struggled to decipher. Then, suddenly Eugene sat up. I observed him as his eyes moved from my shoulders, down my chest, and fixated on the inviting allure of my breasts. As his hands retreated from my ass, they trailed along my back, sending shivers down my spine. His grip tightened as he suddenly pulled me back to his upturned face, his need obvious. I smiled at him before dipping my tongue once more into his mouth, our earlier kisses tame and unfeeling compared to this one.

Suddenly, I felt a subtle sensation as the straps of my bra were delicately pulled down my arms, catching me off guard. Despite the desire to undo the bra’s clasp, the instinct to hold Eugene tightly against me prevailed, shielding me from his gaze. It didn’t take long before I sensed Eugene swiftly unfastening the clasps with precision. With the slow release of my bra, a cool breeze brushed against my feverish skin, adding to the sensory overload that was pushing me to the brink of insanity.

I had an overwhelming desire to clutch the fabric in my hand, violently tear it off my body, and forcefully discard it. The need to feel his touch consumed me, as I imagined his hands against my bare skin, his fingers gently exploring and arousing me. I couldn’t let go of him. My arms seemingly glued behind his back to hold him against my questing mouth. His hands worked their magic and my bra vanished into a place that seemed to defy existence. Despite everything, he continued to play with me, his arms encircling my bare skin as he pulled me closer for another passionate kiss. Though I wanted to scream in frustration, my heart and body were already savoring every moment, preventing me from giving in to my outburst.

Slowly, Eugene’s hands made their way towards me, prompting me to arch my back, allowing for some distance between us. I yearned for his touch, to feel his hands roaming over my skin, exploring every curve and crevice, caressing me in a way that would bring me intense pleasure. When his fingers finally reached my naked chest, the feeling was so intense that it became unbearable. His lips never deviated from their course, gliding smoothly from my jaw, down to my neck, leaving a trail of warmth in their wake. The sensation of his tongue teasingly flickering over my pulse made my heart race and sent a surge of desire coursing through me. The rapid pace of the small beats within me mirrored the increasing intensity of his hands, fingers, and mouth as they awakened long-forgotten sensations and desires.

Slowly, his mouth traveled downward, bestowing a series of gentle, petal-like kisses against my skin. The sensation of his mouth caused my back to arch further, craving the surprise of where he would go next. His touch was like a feather, tracing a path from my shoulders to my collarbone, igniting a myriad of sensations on my skin. With deliberate slowness, he caressed and savored every sensitive part of flesh he encountered. It struck me that he was worshipping me, his actions and gestures speaking volumes about the extent of his admiration.

I was so absorbed in the feeling of him that I didn’t notice how close he had gotten, until I felt his warmth against my chest. From the moment he first cupped my breasts in his hands, my mind became a maze of confusion and longing. With the gentlest of touches, he lifted them to his mouth. I cried out softly as he explored the taste of me, the sensation of his kisses wrapping around me, creating a comforting embrace like a warm blanket.

The intensity of his touch on my breasts left me breathless, his hands firmly kneading and exploring every curve. Eugene’s touch sent a wave of sensations rippling through my body, leaving my mind in a hazy, unfocused state.

As his hands and mouth moved across my yielding flesh, I felt an intoxicating mix of beauty, femininity, and being deeply desired. He could say all the words that he wanted to, claim that I was beautiful and passionate, however, in that moment, I realized that words, on their own, had limited power and influence unless tangible actions supported them. A wave of self-assurance washed over me, as it became clear to me that this man found me to be exceptionally beautiful.

Being in his arms, I felt that way too.

So much so, it spurred me into action.

As I slowly withdrew his head from my body, a chilling breeze brushed against my skin, causing my nipples to react with a sharp, tingling sensation. With reverence, I locked eyes with Eugene before rolling off him. I then positioned myself in front of him, reaching out my hand. Silently, he took it. I longed for him to be inside me. It didn’t matter about the absence of any prelude or tenderness. All that mattered was the raw intensity of the moment. He could sink himself into me as soon as I climbed back onto the bed and I’d cry out with pleasure. While I would have welcomed some foreplay, it wasn’t necessary for me.

I reached for my jeans, unfastening them, while Eugene stood in front of the bed and gave me a puzzled look. I wanted to experience everything. Everything he wanted to give me. I needed it. As my fear of tomorrow dissipated, I gently pulled down my panties, delighting in the soft touch of the fabric while it smoothly descended around my ankles. In that moment, with nothing to shield me, I mustered all the courage I had left and lifted my head to meet his gaze, anxiously awaiting his response.

He gulped nervously, his gaze scanning me from head to toe. His intense stare swept across my figure, pausing momentarily at the prominent, rigid peaks of my breasts. His eyes traveled down, lingering for a beat on the smoothness of my stomach, until finally fixating on the trimmed triangle of dark pubic hair that framed my pussy. I watched as his eyes dipped and locked on the glistening crevice, causing him to lick his lips in anticipation. I didn’t wait for a response, I slowly laid down on his bed, the anticipation building when I felt the softness of the mattress beneath me.

Without saying a word, I observed him hastily strip off his clothes, desperate to match my state of undress. As he stood there, his chest exposed, I couldn’t help but notice his firm, chiseled stomach. Then his jeans dropped, revealing a throbbing erection that was impossible to ignore. Revealed to my gaze, his cock arched up, as if in search of something.

My pussy clenched in anticipation of giving it what it sought.

Eugene climbed onto the bed and positioned himself between my legs, his eyes slowly scanning my entire figure once again. Nestling into the plush pillows, I felt a rush of heat spread through my body as he devoured me with his gaze. Without thought, my body writhed and undulated, instinctively following the path of his stare; I arched my back to accentuate the prominence of my breasts, I shifted my hips and widened my legs to reveal my swollen and glistening core. I caught him staring at the juncture between my legs again, so I teased him by moving them seductively, enjoying the way he gasped in response.

With his posture relaxed, he sat on his haunches, his cock now prominently protruding from his body, displaying its strength and solidity. My eyes fixed on it as I watched a glistening drop of pre-cum slowly emerge at its tip.

A sudden craving unfurled within me. It was a need that I never thought could exist. Rising up and kneeling in front of him, I gently took hold of his firm cock, its heat radiating against my hand.
