Page 36 of Enigma

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Turning to look at my best friend, I smiled. “I’ll only be gone for a week, Eugene.”

“A long ass week,” he grumbled.

“I can ask Mom if you can go with us. Louisiana is pretty in the summer. Plus, my cousin Wade wouldn’t mind. He’s always looking for someone new to show off his fishing skills to. I hate fishing, but it never stops Wade from dragging me out on his boat.”

Eugene frowned. “Throw him to the alligators.”

“Can’t do that. He’s Auntie Brielle’s only son. Besides, you will be busy with football practice and all those girls vying for your attention.”

Eugene muttered, “Not anyone I want.”

Rolling onto my side, I asked, “What do you want, Eugene?”

“I want the best girl in Rosewood. A house with a dog. I want to come home and see her smile as if she couldn’t wait to see me again. That being away from me is just as horrible for her as it is for me. I want to watch her smile, hear her laughter, hold her when she cries. I want to raise a family with her. Watch our grandchildren grow old, and when we die, I want to hold her hand as we leave this earth and spend eternity together.”

Smiling, I stared down at my best friend in awe. “You are a romantic.”

Eugene shrugged. “Nope. Just know who and what I want.”

“Do I know this girl?”

Eugene looked at me and nodded. “Yeah, you know her.”

“You gonna tell me?”

“Not yet.” He smirked. “Soon.”

Getting up, I frowned as Eugene ripped off his shirt. “Come on, Shug. Let’s go for a swim.”

“I can’t.” I sat up, watching him. “I didn’t bring my bathing suit and neither did you.”

I should have. Now I wish I had. It was hot as hell today and taking a dip in the cool lake sounded wonderful.

“So?” Eugene grinned. “When has that ever stopped us?”

“Eugene, we’re not kids anymore.”

“Speak for yourself, Shug. I still play Super Mario Bros on the Nintendo.”

That was true.

He still hadn’t beat that stupid game.

I should know.

I watched him for hours, yelling at the stupid thing.

Shucking his jeans off, I sat there shaking my head when I saw Eugene’s underwear.

Unable to stop myself, I laughed out loud. “Really?”

“What?” my best friend scoffed, placing his hands on his hips. “Got a problem with Power Rangers?”

Shaking my head, I gasped for air. “Nope. Not at all. It’s perfectly normal for a fifteen-year-old to wear Power Rangers undies.”

“Damn straight,” he said flatly. “Now get your ass in that water, Shug.”

“I can’t, Eugene. I said I don’t have a suit.”
