Page 107 of Shared By the Firemen

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“But sometimes the rules must be ignored,” Mateo said.

Jack’s arms folded around me, as strong as ever. “I’m glad you came.”

“Of course I came! How do you feel?”

“I feel like a piece of toast that was cooked too long, then tossed in the garbage disposal.”

“His ankle is fractured,” Liam explained. “And he’s got some burns.”

“Nothing serious,” Jack said. “They’ve got me on the good meds. I feel great.”

“I was so worried,” I said. “All the other firefighters were running around, panicked. I knew something was wrong.”

“It was a rough one,” Jack admitted. “But it could’ve been worse, if I didn’t have my friends to drag me out.”

Mateo nodded solemnly. “Much worse.”

“So I wasn’t just dreaming,” Jack said with a smirk. “You really were there.”

“I was shooting engagement photos for a couple a few blocks away. When I saw the fire, I decided to snap some shots of the action.”

“I hope you got my good side,” Jack said.

“You’re nothing but good sides,” I replied, caressing his cheek. He felt so sturdy, so real. More than he ever had when we were children.

A nurse walked by outside, then did a double-take. “Excuse me, ma’am? Are you family, or from the fire department?”

“Neither,” I said.

“Then you have to leave,” she said emphatically.

“Aw, come on,” Liam said with a charming smile. “My mate almost died in the fire downtown. She just wants to make sure he’s okay. We won’t tell anyone if you don’t.”

The nurse had a no-nonsense scowl as she regarded me. I was certain she would say no.

“Thirty minutes,” she muttered. “Then you have to leave.”

“Guys?” Jack said. “Mind if I have a few minutes with Alyssa? Alone?”

“No problem at all,” Liam said. He pointed at me and added, “Don’t wear him out, now. Let him get his rest.”

I laughed. “Even if I intended to do that, Jack looks like he barely has enough energy to sit up, let alone do… that.”

“Don’t be so sure,” Jack replied with a chuckle.

Mateo laughed with us, then closed the door behind him and Liam. Then, Jack and I were alone.

“Jack…” I began.

“I was a fool.” He sounded weary, but his blue eyes were as sharp and lucid as ever. “A damned fool.”

“No you weren’t. I was the fool. I’ve liked you ever since we were teenagers, even when you were teasing me.”

“I was only teasing you to get your attention. I didn’t know how to talk to girls, especially a girl as beautiful as you.”

“You thought I was beautiful?”

“Since the day you rode up on your bike, wearing a Braves shirt,” Jack replied.
