Page 126 of Shared By the Firemen

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“Your building,” Mateo corrected. “Remember, it is in your name now.”

“Okay,” I said slowly. “Did you find someone to lease it?”

“We did,” Jack said confidently. “Her name is Alyssa fucking Ford.”

I frowned. “That’s me.”

Liam turned to Jack. “Our girlfriend is a bright one.”

“I don’t understand,” I admitted.

“You’ve been talking about doing photography work in the Tampa area,” Jack explained. “Through the Flytography app, but you also said you want to expand to traditional gigs.”

“Weddings, bar mitzvahs, funerals,” Liam added.

“Funerals?” I asked.

“I don’t know. You’re the photographer, not me.”

“The three of us are going to help you start your own photography business,” Jack went on. “A brick-and-mortar office will help legitimize you over random photographers online. A lot of your customer base will be older, and they want to talk to someone in person before committing.”

“We want you to give it a try for several months,” Mateo chimed in. “If it does not work, or if you do not like this, you can quit.”

“You can close up shop and lease the building to someone else,” Liam said. “No problem.”

“There are a dozen applicants with good credit,” Jack said.

I stared at the building, and then at the three men who were waiting for my reaction. My own business. Getting real photography gigs, not random jobs here and there through an app. I gazed through the windows of the building and imagined a desk with someone to answer questions, and framed photos on the wall to showcase my work. I could put a little studio in the back corner.

It was doable. Absolutely. I felt my heart beat faster as I thought about all the little things I would need to do to prepare it. But I was undeniably, overwhelmingly excited.

“There’s the reaction I was hoping for!” Liam said with a smile.

“We’re pooling our resources to give you the startup funds,” Jack explained.

“That’s sweet, but I don’t want charity from you guys. Especially since we’re all in a relationship.”

“It’s not charity,” Jack said. “It’s an investment.”

“We believe in you,” Mateo added. “You just need a little help.”

“We all do, sometimes,” Liam said brightly.

I blinked, and was surprised to feel tears in my eyes. I was overwhelmed with so many emotions, so I threw myself into Jack’s arms. He hugged me back, but he wasn’t enough, so I grabbed Liam to the left and Mateo to the right and pulled them in until it was one big group hug.

“Is this a yes?” Liam muttered into my hair.

“Shut up. You’re ruining the moment,” Jack said.

“You’re ruining it.” Liam retorted.

Mateo said, “Both of you are currently ruining this.”

“All of you are fine. You’re perfect. You’re amazing,” I said.

As they hugged me in front of the building that would become my photography business, I realized the ghost of my mother was finally gone. Clearwater was no longer poisoned ground. Maybe I could grow something in its place. Something that was mine.

And with three strong, supportive men standing beside me? I knew I couldn’t fail.
