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Liam: Never seen it. Or any of them.

Me: They’re cheesy, but in a fun way.

Liam: Shoot. Maybe we need to have a second date after all.

Me: Wow. My Mona Lisa joke was so good you’re already changing your mind about not having a second date?

Liam: Well, there are lots of sequels that are just as good as the original. Like Aliens.

Me: Never seen it.

Liam: Uh oh. Now we HAVE to have a second date. But I’m going to insist you keep your hands to yourself so we can watch the movie, because it’s a masterpiece.

Me: I’m not really into sci-fi movies. They’re always dumb.

Liam: Now you’re just trying to hurt my feelings. Aliens is my second favorite movie.

Me: I’m sorry your excellent taste in movies does not extend beyond Scott Pilgrim.

Liam: You know what? Now I wish I had made fun of you about Taylor Swift!

Me: Too late. You missed your chance.

Liam: Tell you what. I want you to take a leap of faith and trust my infallible Kiwi judgement. Watch Aliens and report back to me. That’s your homework.

Me: I’ll do that if you sit down and listen to Taylor Swift’s album Midnights. And I don’t mean listen to it while doing other stuff. Put on a nice pair of headphones, lay down on the couch, and listen to it from start to finish without any distractions.

Liam: You’ve got yourself a deal.

Liam: By the way, we never came to a conclusion about who is the bigger Scott Pilgrim fan.

Me: I came to a conclusion. You just won’t like the answer :-)

Liam: Fine. We never came to a harmonious concordance.

Me: That’s a fancy way of saying you refuse to acknowledge my superiority.

Liam: Got to go. Fireman stuff. Do your homework!

Me: You first!

“Oh my God, are you done texting your boyfriend yet?” Brandi complained.

“One hookup does not a boyfriend make.”

“You’ve been grinning at your phone for the past five minutes.”

“Liam is a funny guy,” I said. “But we actually agreed that last night should be the only time we hookup, since I’m only going to be in town for a week or two. No need to draw it out.”

“Mmm hmm,” Brandi said skeptically.



“Spit it out.”

She glanced at her watch. “I give it five days until you two are shacking up again.”
