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“Do you think we’ll get anything for that?” I asked as we got into the car. “She had tinkered with the fuse box a bunch. I’m sure the insurance company will find a way to use that as an excuse not to pay anything out.”

“Nobody needs to know about her… tendencies,” Brandi said. “We’ll worry about the home insurance when it comes up.”

I laughed bitterly. “Even in death, she’s taking money from us.”

Brandi started the engine and smiled. “Remember how she used to steal my dogwalking money?”

“And my babysitting money!” I added. “She would take it and then find a way to twist it around like we owed her. As if we should have been grateful she didn’t throw us out on the street.”

“I’m glad we can laugh about it now.”

“Now we can,” Brandi said, staring off in thought. “When we were kids, I believed her.”

I reached over to pat her on the leg. “It’s a miracle we grew up to be such well-rounded women without any emotional baggage.”

“Well, maybe a little baggage,” Brandi replied.

I laughed, and this time there was more humor in it. “Let’s get dinner. I want to eat somewhere on the beach, with fresh seafood.”

“How about the place Liam took you?”

“And risk running into him? Or worse: Jack?”

“Exactly!” Brandi said excitedly. “Going through finances for two days was boring. I need some drama in my life.”

“We can get all the drama we need from the new season of Fargo,” I said. “I don’t want to go back to the same restaurant that Liam took me to, but there was another beachside restaurant next door. Let’s do that.”

“I’m going to get wine drunk and be your wingwoman,” Brandi announced.

“First of all, I’ve had enough random sex to last me the rest of the trip.”

“I strongly disagree.”

“And secondly,” I said, “we should get fruity drinks instead of wine. I had a Miami Vice the other night and it was delicious.”

“See!” Brandi said while pulling out of the parking lot. “Trying new things is fun. I’m glad you’re taking my advice.”

We drove over to the beachside restaurant. It wasn’t completely open to the elements like its neighbor, but there was an outdoor seating area with a dedicated bar. I snagged a high-top table while Brandi ordered two drinks from the bar.

“Hot bartender alert,” she said while handing me my drink. It was a Miami Vice.

I squinted over at the bar, but the bartender was facing the other direction. He had dark hair though, and broad shoulders beneath a linen shirt.

“I told you I’ve already had enough meaningless sex this trip.”

“Sex is never meaningless. It’s good and it’s bad, it’s hot and it’s boring, but there’s always meaning.”

“Says the married woman.”

“Exactly,” she said emphatically. “You’re the single woman. I shouldn’t have to explain this to you.”

I waved aside the conversation and held up my phone. “I got a gig! Someone booked me on Flytography for pregnancy photos.”

“That’s great, but can we go back to talking about your love life?”

“Let’s start with your love life. How’s Kyle? You haven’t talked about him much since I got here.”

“He’s great. Same Kyle as always.”
