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I shivered as I came back down from my reverie. Two men at the same time. A threesome. Was that really what I wanted, or was it just a momentary fantasy?

It’s just because I was around him all day. People had sex dreams all the time—they didn’t have to mean something. I need to get to the store.

I pushed the dream out of my mind, but the memory didn’t fade so quickly.

I drove to the store to meet Brandi. She was neck-deep in unpaid invoices, and the sun was still up, so I grabbed a stack and started making phone calls. I hated this kind of work, cold-calling people and asking for information. Some of the customers claimed they never received their finished work, while others insisted they had paid months ago. Many more customers told me that my mother had done fantastic work for them, but that they never received a bill for the work.

After six brutal hours, we called it a night. I had barely made a dent in the stack I had grabbed, let alone the piles and piles of other invoices in the office.

This was going to take weeks.

At least we aren’t paying for a hotel, I told myself on the way home. Brandi is right about that. As annoying as it may be, I’m grateful to Jack.

But I sure as hell wasn’t going to admit that to him.

“Aliens?” Brandi asked when we got home. “Since when do you like sci-fi?”

“Since I promised a certain dashing kiwi that I would watch it.”

“You mean the guy you claimed was in the past?” Brandi asked. “The guy you insisted you were done with?”

“I am done with him.”

Brandi put her hands on her hips. “I want you to raise your right hand and swear to the Jonas Brothers that you haven’t been fantasizing about getting some more of that juicy New Zealand dick.”

Not just him, a voice whispered in my head. Him and Mateo.

I sat down on the couch. “I will not be taking any questions at this time. You’re welcome to watch it with me without commentary on my sex life.”

“I’m going to watch The Bachelor in the bedroom,” she said. “Enjoy your dumb movie that you definitely aren’t watching in order to impress some boy.”

Ignoring her teases, I hit play on the movie.




“I think I’m going to do it,” Brandi said while curling my hair in front of the bedroom mirror.

“You said that two weeks ago, on your one-month anniversary,” I replied.

“This time I mean it. The mood will be romantic. Kyle will be wearing a tuxedo. He said he got a hotel room three blocks from the dance. I’m finally going to lose my virginity!”

I rolled my eyes. “From what I’ve heard, the first time never goes well.”

“Aren’t you a negative Nancy?” Brandi muttered. “This is going to be the most important night of my life, and you aren’t even happy for me.”

“I’m happy for you, Brandi. I really am. I just don’t want you to get your hopes up too much. There are going to be a million more important events in your life than having sex for the first time.”

“Name one,” she said.

“Having sex for the second time,” I answered. “Having sex for the third time, and fourth, and fifth…”

That got a laugh out of her. “What if he’s bad at it? Or…” She lowered her voice. “What if he has a small dick?”

I frowned at her in the mirror. “You got to second base with him at the movies.”
