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I had spent much of my life searching for a woman like her.

Yet she had a complicated history with not one, but two of my best friends.

My intention was to stay for half an hour of the movie to assuage Liam’s guilt. I did not want him to feel bad about forgetting his plans with me tonight. But Alyssa continued dropping strange hints. She ate popcorn out of my bowl, reaching deep inside where it rested in my lap. She laughed at one of the funny parts in the movie, and turned toward me to ensure I was laughing too. Sharing in the humor with a curious glimmer in her eyes.

I glanced at Liam. Are we really going to do this?

He looked surprised, too. But eager. His gaze said, I’m game if you are.

“Do you like your feet rubbed?” I asked. A testing question, gauging the situation.

“I’ve never had a foot massage,” she replied. “At least, not one worth remembering.”

I picked her ankles up and laid her feet in my lap, then began massaging one foot with both hands. She let out a deep sigh. A sensual sigh.

“That feels so good. My toes are sore from pacing around the store. I was on my feet all day.”

The more I rubbed, the more she seemed to relax on the couch. Arching her back and closing her eyes. There was no doubt: she was enjoying this very much.

With her head still in Liam’s lap, she began caressing his leg. Dragging her fingernails across his jeans, down past the knee and then back again.

This went on for several minutes while the movie played. I tried to relax, but I was keenly aware that this might be the beginning of an interesting night, and I was desperately searching for more signs.

And then she gave us a sign we couldn’t ignore. She pushed up onto her elbow, leaned in to Liam, and gave him a kiss. A slow kiss, the kind that promised it was only the beginning. Liam’s hands folded around her as he kissed her back, leaving me sitting on the couch with her feet in my hands.

“Do you want me to leave?” I asked. “To let you two be alone?”

Not breaking the kiss, Alyssa shook her head and mumbled something deep in her throat. Something that sounded like no.

Deciding that I was entirely too sober for this, I rose and went to the fridge.

“You aren’t leaving, are you?” Alyssa asked from the couch.

“I was getting another beer. Would you like me to get one for you?”

Suddenly, her voice was closer. “A beer isn’t what I want.”

I turned, and she was standing at the edge of the kitchen, eyes wide and smiling broadly. Liam was walking up behind her, eyeing me.

“Are you nervous?” she asked me.

“A little,” I admitted.

“Me too,” she replied. “I’ve never done this before. But I’ve always wanted to. I’m trying new things while I’m back in Florida.”

I was eager to see what would happen, but wary. I had never done this, either. I had never even fantasized about it. And with Liam here…

Alyssa kept her wide eyes locked on mine as she drew near. She reached out and touched my chest with her fingers, letting them slide across the fabric of my shirt. And then she tilted her head up, plump lips out, waiting, and I felt my inhibitions disappear. I simply had to kiss her. Alyssa’s lips fit perfectly with mine, sliding and sucking and begging for tongue.

We’re kissing, I realized. I had imagined this, down in the deepest parts of my mind. I never expected it to actually happen, and certainly not in this context.

“I know,” she said. Whispered, practically. “This is new, and scary. But that’s what makes it exciting. I want to have fun with you tonight, Mateo.”

She rounded on Liam.

“Both of you.”

She kissed him harder than she’d kissed me, which ignited a tiny flame of jealousy in my chest. But there was a deeper fire roaring within me as I watched this beautiful woman kiss my best friend.
