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“Wait a minute. Which two girls?”

Liam hesitated, then said, “Kara Peterson, and Emma Schmidt.”

“Emma Schmidt!” I exclaimed, sitting upright in bed. “She called me a slut senior year because she saw me asking her boyfriend for help on our Calculus homework.”

“She helped me with a lot more than my homework,” Liam joked. “A lot more.”

“And Kara Peterson? She was always volunteering after school at her church. She passed out fliers promoting abstinence.”

Liam was grinning widely now. “What can I say? They liked my accent.”

“No wonder you wanted to come back to America when you were an adult,” Mateo muttered.

“I became an American in my heart that day,” Liam replied. “Land of the sexually free, home of the sexually brave.”

“I think I also became an American twenty minutes ago,” Mateo mused. “This truly is the land of opportunity.”

“I have an idea.” It took a lot of willpower to leave the warm bodies in bed and climb down to the floor. I went over to the living room area and rotated the TV until it was facing the bedroom. When I turned around, both nude men were sitting up in bed, backs against the headrest, watching me.

“You were bending over,” Mateo explained.

“I think I’m ready for round two now,” Liam grinned.

I grabbed the remote and rewound about half an hour to the last part I remembered before we started having fun. Then I retrieved the remaining frozen drinks from the fridge and climbed back in bed between the two of them.

“Now we can finish watching the movie!” I said happily.

“You’d rather do that than… well, us?” Liam asked.

“Why not both?” I asked. “Por que no los dos?”

Mateo perked up. “Hablas español?”

“I only know that phrase, from the memes,” I admitted.

“So does that mean movie first, then more fun?” Liam asked. “Or ten minutes of movie, and an hour of bedroom fun?”

“Shh,” I said. “I think Ripley is about to lecture the prisoners about how much danger they’re in. It’s rare you get to see some womansplaining.”

We laughed and passed around the frozen drinks, taking pulls directly out of the plastic jugs. Soon we were tipsy, adding commentary to the movie and shouting during the action scenes. The movie ended, and the two men descended on me from either side, hungry for another round. I closed my eyes and let them worship me, kissing and nuzzling and grinding between their hard, muscular bodies. When we were done, we collapsed in bed, emotionally and physically spent.

We woke to someone banging on the door.



The pounding of a fist against a wooden door jolted me awake. For a moment, I was struck with the vivid memory of being trapped in my bedroom while the house went up in flames around me, saved only by the fireman that knocked down the door. But Liam was next to me, and there was no fire this morning. Everything was peaceful.

Except for that pounding, which came again.

“Liam?” came a voice, deep and insistent. “If this is a joke, it’s not funny.”

Oh no, I thought. That voice…

Liam bolted upright in bed next to me. “What’s happening?” On the other side of me, Mateo was stirring.

“It’s Jack,” I whispered. “He’s at your door!”
