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And maybe lose my virginity? I immediately discarded the thought. Just because Brandi and Kyle were having lots of sex didn’t mean I needed to rush things. I was curious about sex, and maybe even eager. But until I found the right guy, I wasn’t going to force the issue.

Everyone started cheering, and I looked over and saw the foreign exchange student from last year walking toward the pool. “Liam!” Jack exclaimed, wrapping him in a hug and clapping him on the back. “What are you doing here?”

“Taking a gap year, bud,” he replied in his New Zealand accent. “Knew my first stop had to be my old stomping grounds.”

He pulled his shirt off and immediately did a cannonball into the pool, splashing all the girls sitting on the edge. Half of them began cursing Liam, but the other half laughed it off.

“What are you waiting for, ladies?” Liam asked. “Kara, Emma, get in here.”

They squealed as he grabbed their legs and pulled them into the pool. Jack stood on the edge of the pool, grinning and laughing.

Okay, I thought. This is kind of fun.

I relaxed in the chair by the pool, nursing my beer while watching everyone act a fool. By the time my cup was empty, my head was swimming a little bit and I was feeling upbeat and giddy. Was this what being drunk was like? Or just buzzed? Either way, I could see why people liked to drink.

“Come on, play with us!” Liam was saying to Kara Peterson. “We’re chicken fighting.”

“You’re already playing with Emma,” Kara complained.

“You’ll be on my team,” Jack said.

Kara, who was conservatively dressed in a one-piece suit, shook her head stubbornly. If anything, she looked jealous that Emma was with Liam.

Jack rolled his eyes, then looked around the pool area. The mirrored gaze of his sunglasses stopped on me. No, I thought. Keep searching. Ask someone else.

“Alyssa?” Jack called. “Come chicken fight with us?”

“I don’t want to get my hair wet,” I replied.

Jack smiled. “It’ll stay dry as long as we win. Come on, don’t leave me hanging like this. Help me show these fools who runs this street.”

He was smiling and convincing. Brandi was right: he was a man more than a boy, now. I found myself drawn to him, and it was only partly because of the beer.

I rose from my chair, then removed my shirt and shimmied out of my shorts to reveal my bathing suit. Jack politely glanced away, but half-turned back in my direction. I could tell he was admiring me. My undressing had drawn the attention of Liam and half a dozen other guys around the pool. It was a nice feeling, having their eyes on me. I latched onto that feeling as I slipped into the pool.

“How do we play?” I asked. The water was cold, but the hot sun made it refreshing.

Liam dove under the surface, and then Emma suddenly floated up out of the water. She was sitting on Liam’s shoulders.

Suddenly, I felt someone down underneath me. I yelped as Jack’s head slid between my legs, and then I was shooting upward out of the pool. His strong arms wrapped around my legs, holding me upright on his shoulders. Jack’s normally light-colored hair was dark with moisture, pressing against the front of my bikini bottom.

Even though my nipples were hard and probably obvious through my bikini top, I didn’t feel self-conscious for once. I was a high school graduate. I was going off to Clemson soon. I was never going to see any of these people again, and that realization was freeing.

I squeezed his head between my legs while he held my ankles against his chest. I had always known he was strong, but now I could feel it as he held me up with ease. And the way he squeezed my ankles caused his shoulder muscles to contract underneath my thighs in the most delightful way.

I wonder how it would feel to ride him in a different way.

The thought surprised me, and I immediately brushed it aside. The beer was definitely to blame for that. I would never feel that way if I was sober.

“Take this.” Jack handed me a pool noodle.

Jack and I kicked ass together, and I relished the chance to lay into Emma. She was just trying to have fun, slapping with the pool noodle and playfully shoving me away, but I strongly wanted to win after the rumors she had spread last year.

And when I finally knocked her off Liam’s shoulders, Jack carried me around the pool in a victory lap, hooting and bouncing me up and down. Every bounce rubbed my mound against the back of his head. It all felt so normal, so natural.

Had I been wrong about Jack all this time?

He ducked under the water and let me slide off his shoulders. When he resurfaced, he was grinning widely at me. “Nice job.” He held up a palm.
