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“Your daughter is well, I hope?” I asked, although I knew the answer.

Rodrigo smiled fondly. “She is indeed. I was just speaking with her on the phone from her dorm…”

While the President told me a story of his daughter’s first semester at college, my mind began to drift back to the events of the evening. Catching Melinda following me through the city, and then winning her over with local drinks and food. Dancing until we were sweaty and exhausted and grinning from ear to ear.

And on the helicopter…

I could still taste her on my lips, and feel her skin beneath my palm—as smooth as silk. It didn’t matter that it had just happened; the curve of her ass was now etched into my mind as permanently as if it were chiseled into stone. The way she arched her back and gazed up at me with longing as I gripped her waist, driving my cock into her hungrily, barely maintaining my restraint…

…and then exploding inside Melinda, filling her with my seed? It was all I could think about. It was worth the two weeks of patience.

I couldn’t wait to do it again. This was, after all, only the beginning.

And then there was the contract loophole she pointed out as we parted. She was a sharp one to notice that. Or maybe it was her lawyer. Either way, pointing it out to me—to her own detriment—demonstrated that she was a moral person. That was a relief to me. I had suspected as much from her, but it was nice to know for certain that the potential mother of my child was fundamentally good.

“That’s wonderful,” I said, responding to Rodrigo’s last comment about his daughter. I refilled his wine glass from the bottle and then said, “I’m always delighted to see you when I’m visiting Costa Rica, but I’m assuming you aren’t just here for the wine?”

Rodrigo smiled warmly. “Your company is a treasure all on its own.” The smile changed into a contemplative expression. “I have, however, noticed the arrival and departure of many noteworthy people over the last two days. Men and women with significant wealth and power. Mario, my Minister of Public Security, believes a coup is imminent.”

I forced myself to laugh. “A coup? Rodrigo, friend, surely…”

Rodrigo waved a dismissive hand. “Mario is paranoid, of course. He sees monsters in every shadow when he walks down the street. However, I am hoping you could illuminate the purpose of these meetings you have been hosting, as a way to ease Mario’s mind.”

Ah, so that’s how he’s choosing to snoop. I was certain that Mario Zamora Cordero, the Minister of Defense, did not believe I was orchestrating a coup against the President. That was just the pretext to try to learn what everyone else wanted to know: the subject of my next project.

“You can tell Mario that your job—and, by extension, his—is safe,” I reassured him. I blinked, and the image of Melinda on top of me flashed into my mind, craning her head back and moaning inside the helicopter. I shook it off and said, “I have been meeting with investors to secure potential funding for my next venture.”

“Ah, of course.” Rodrigo chuckled. “I should have known it was related to that famous Pierce Benning ingenuity. Of course, please know that the nation of Costa Rica and its resources are, within reason, at your disposal. Regardless of the direction of your next venture, I hope there is some way we may be involved.”

“If there is, you will be the first man to know,” I promised.

“I wish only to help.” Rodrigo raised his glass. “Especially if this new venture is in the same realm as your previous one. I do not need to remind you that our nation has generated over 98% of its electricity from renewable resources…”

As the President launched into what was clearly a memorized stump speech, I allowed my mind to wander again to the new woman in my life, and all the things I wish I was doing to her at that moment.



I woke up the next morning wondering if it had all been a dream.

A sweaty, sexy dream.

But as I rolled over in bed and used the remote control to open the electric curtains, giving me a beautiful view of the sun rising over the Caribbean Sea, I knew it wasn’t a dream. It had happened—all of it. I had spent much of last night in bed reliving every detail. As far as first dates went—if you could call it that—it was about as perfect as one could be.

Even if he did ditch me the moment we got back to his island mansion.

Of course, there was a valid excuse. The President of Costa Rica showing up unannounced was a good reason to say goodnight early. It was a reminder that Pierce Benning was a very rich, very famous, and very powerful man.

As I took a shower, I had to remind myself of something else: that it wasn’t a first date. Pierce and I weren’t dating. I was strictly his surrogate.

But the natural form of conception certainly complicated matters. I was already thinking of him as someone I’m seeing, rather than just my employer. That was a problem. I needed to remember that we had signed a contract. This was, at its core, a business transaction.

That didn’t mean it couldn’t be fun while it lasted.

I got dressed and thought about the fact that Pierce had come inside of me last night. Right now, his seed was swimming along, trying to accomplish what they were designed to do. Even though it was the most natural, common thing humans did, it was kind of gross to think about. Not semen itself—that certainly didn’t gross me out at all. But semen wiggling around inside of me. I couldn’t actually feel anything, but my imagination was making my skin itch just a little bit.

I wonder if it’s working.
