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Yet Pierce kept a steady pace as if he didn’t feel the heat nor the incline.

I was too stubborn to tell him I needed a break. I was a collegiate athlete, and Pierce was a spoiled billionaire. It infuriated me that he was better than me at this. I latched onto that frustration, using it as fuel to keep me going long after I wanted to fall to my knees and rest.

The trail looped back down to the beach, then back to the mansion. By the time he stopped his watch at the dock stairs, I was close to passing out. But he looked fresh.

“The heat… is rough…” I managed to gasp out.

Pierce opened a cooler that was sitting by the dock and tossed me a cold Gatorade. “Sure is. Good thing I took you on the short loop.”

“Short loop?”

Blue Gatorade trickled down the side of his mouth as he chugged the electrolytes down. “I usually do fifteen. But you looked like you might die if I tried.”

“I would have been fine!” I said after a long pull from my own drink.

Pierce pointed at me. “And you seem too stubborn to admit you couldn’t make it. Better to turn back before that. Your odds of conceiving a child are a lot less if you’re dead.”

“Thanks for your concern,” I said, but I was laughing. “I haven’t run more than three or four miles at a time since college.”

He arched an eyebrow. “And you still kept up for ten? I’m impressed.”

“Your child will be stubborn and have good cardio.”

Pierce roared with laughter, put an arm around me, and led me back up to the mansion.

I chatted with my mom on the phone every day, even if it was just for a few minutes. I didn’t tell her the whole truth about what I was doing. I wasn’t sure if I would ever tell her, or anyone else for that matter. But she still asked plenty of questions.

“I told you, it’s someone wealthy,” I explained to her one evening. “The name isn’t important.”

“I just don’t see why you refuse to tell me the name of the couple,” she insisted.

“Because I signed an NDA.” I didn’t elaborate. Although I had signed an NDA, it mostly covered the natural conception, and the amount I was being compensated. I was technically allowed to tell my mom that I was the surrogate for billionaire Pierce Benning.

But I certainly didn’t want to.

“An NDA? I’m your mother, not a tabloid,” she replied in annoyance. “You tell me everything, Mel. At least, you used to.”

“I’ll tell you all about it when this is over. I called because I want you to know I’m safe, and having a good time. We’re staying at a fancy place down in Costa Rica. They want to keep an eye on me, and make sure I’m comfortable throughout the whole process. It’s basically a vacation.”

It wasn’t completely a lie, even if it was only half the truth. Still, I felt guilty. I wasn’t used to keeping secrets from my mom.

That night after dinner, Pierce and I retired to his bedroom. It was a massive room with high ceilings, its own living room area with a television, and a bathroom that was large enough to fit an entire football team—with enough room left in the shower to fit a full cheerleader squad. Pierce took his time with me, burying his face between my legs and eating me out for what felt like hours. Only after I had come twice did he roll me over, covering me with his body from behind, and passionately fucking me in the prone position. The angle was intense, but he had warmed me up long enough that the way his cock ground against my G-spot felt perfect.

It must have felt amazing for him too, because he was wrapping his arms around me and gasping in my ear within minutes. I shuddered with a smaller orgasm as he came inside me.

I’ll never get used to that, I thought as he held me tightly. It’s amazing every time.

After cleaning up, I donned one of his way-too-soft robes while he retrieved two glasses of wine. I snuggled up next to him in bed and asked, “Have you thought about names? For the potential baby I might be growing.”

“It’s weird when you phrase it as growing,” Pierce said. “Like it’s a plant in the garden.”

“Dodging the question. Interesting.” I sat up a little straighter and sipped my wine. “You’re not planning on doing that incredibly arrogant thing men do, are you?”

“What is that?”

“Naming the baby after yourself.”

He gave me a funny smile. “Why is that arrogant?”
