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So I took a deep breath and said, “The sex dream… involved both of you.”



I tensed while waiting for their reactions.

Andrew’s mouth fell open in surprise at my answer. Once he collected himself, he swallowed heavily and said, “Oh.”

Tristan seemed amused by the response, smiling wider than I had ever seen from the normally serious man and sipping his margarita. “Now that was an answer I did not expect.”

“The sex dream happened the night after Pierce told me that the loophole in the contract was intentional,” I explained. “The last thing he told me before we fell asleep was that the two of you were the best men he knew, and how he would be honored if one of you was the biological father of his heir.”

“He has told us the same,” Tristan replied. He tilted his head to one side, examining me with fresh eyes. “Did you enjoy this dream? Was it a good dream?”

“It was very good,” I said with a nervous laugh. “When I woke up, I practically tackled Pierce.”

“How did the dream go?” Andrew asked carefully. His dark eyes were wide and sparkled in the evening light of the parlor. “If you want to tell us, I mean.”

“I certainly want to hear it,” Tristan muttered, grabbing another handful of popcorn and popping a piece into his mouth.

“I’ll tell you every. Sizzling. Detail.” I leaned closer to Andrew as I said it, giving him a view down my shirt. “But first you have to tell me what you two have done with Pierce before.”

The two of them looked at each other.

“I’ll obtain Pierce’s express permission,” Tristan said, pulling out his phone.

“He doesn’t have signal tonight,” Andrew said. “They changed campsites.”

“Hmm.” Tristan tossed his phone on the coffee table next to the popcorn. “Although I am certain Pierce would approve, I am not sure I can tell you without—”

“We had group sex with a woman he was dating,” Andrew blurted out.

There was exactly three seconds of silence.

“Elaborate,” I said.

“In for a penny, in for a pound.” Tristan grabbed Andrew’s glass, downed the rest of his drink, then sank back into his chair. “A woman, who shall remain nameless, confided in Pierce one of her deepest, darkest sexual fantasies. A prerequisite for this specific fantasy was three men. Andrew and I were recruited for the task.”

“He made you join him?” I asked. There was a vague sense of conflicting interests in the act; these two men were employed by Pierce, and because of that, might not be in a position to decline.

“He didn’t make us do anything,” Andrew said with a fond smile. “Trust me: we were very willing participants.”

“Enthusiastic ones, you might say,” Tristan agreed.

“Okay,” I said. My body was buzzing with excitement now. “What specific sexual fantasy required three men?”

“I’m sure you can figure that out,” Andrew replied.

“Let’s pretend that I have a poor imagination. Give me all the details.”

Before Andrew could reply, Tristan chimed in: “It is your turn. Tell us about your dream, and we will respond with our own details.”

“Yeah,” Andrew said. “You first, Melinda.”

The hunger in his eyes was undeniable. It couldn’t have been more obvious if he shouted it at me. That, and the way Tristan was watching from the chair, pushed me over the edge. I decided to take a chance, to make the first move, which felt like leaping into an endless chasm.

I threw a leg over Andrew, straddling him on the couch. Technically that wasn’t how the dream started, but it was close enough. “My dream started like this.” I pulled my shirt over my head and tossed it at Tristan. “I was grinding in your lap, and you were kissing my bare chest.”
