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Me: Doubtful. He’s got an hour lead on me, and he’s close to second place. Which means he’ll be pushing it tomorrow rather than coasting.

Melinda: Aw, too bad. Fourth is still amazing, though! Especially out of so many competitors.

Me: I’m very happy with fourth. Two years ago I came in eighth, and I was ecstatic to be in the top ten.

Melinda: What did you have for dinner?

Me: Beans, rice, and chicken. I had three bowls. And that was after four peanut butter sandwiches.

Melinda: I can’t imagine eating that much food.

Me: My engine’s burning real hot. My metabolism will be in overdrive for a month after I get back.

I frowned at the screen. She was asking lots of questions, and avoided answering how things are at the island. Was she happy to make conversation now that I was back on the grid, or was she skirting around a subject?

Melinda: Hey, so were you serious about what you said? That you would be okay with me getting impregnated by other men?

There it was. I smiled; I had hoped something might happen, or at the very least that her curiosity would be piqued.

Me: I told you: I am nothing if not a serious man. I was telling you the truth. Did you take me up on the offer?

Melinda: Perhaps.

Me: With who? Andrew? Tristan? Alejandro? Marcelo?

Melinda: Well… both of them.

Me: I’m assuming you mean Andrew and Tristan?

Melinda: Yes. How do you feel about that?

I considered myself to have a high emotional intelligence, so I paused to examine my feelings. I really wasn’t jealous—at least not in the traditional sense. At that very moment I was jealous that they were with her and I was stuck in a tent far away, but that was a different kind of jealousy.

Instead, I felt a thrill of hope. This increased the chances of an heir being produced. I was one step closer to having a child, to having a family, and that made me happier than I could have possibly explained.

Me: That’s wonderful! I feel good about it. I assume it was enjoyable for everyone involved?

Melinda: Yes, it was.

Me: How have the boys reacted? I assume Tristan is his usual self, but I’m sure Andrew is as awkward as a teenager.

Melinda: LOL, you hit the nail on the head. Andrew won’t stop blushing whenever I see him.

Melinda: You’re sure that you’re fine?

Me: Aside from the fact that I’m sleeping on the ground, I’m great.

Me: Actually, there’s one thing about your news that makes me unhappy.

Melinda: What?

Me: You didn’t take a video like I asked.

Melinda: I wanted to make sure you had good cell signal first! We took a video. Want to see it?

Me: You’re damn right I do.

She sent the video. I only had two bars of service, so the loading symbol moved with agonizing slowness. When it finished, I popped in an earbud and hit play.
