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He gave me a half-grin and then snuggled up on the other side of her. I continued stroking her hair, and she made another happy noise deep within her throat. Melinda looked angelic in sleep. Beautiful, at peace.

As I considered my own internal feelings, I watched her until she fell asleep, and then long after.



I woke up with two warm bodies on either side of me.

It was a disorienting experience. I had never woken up next to two men before. I was on my side facing Tristan, based on the blond hair that was tickling my nose. That and the faint cologne that I recognized as his. That meant it was Andrew spooning me on the other side, one arm lazily resting over my hip.

Although my arm was sore from resting in this position, I didn’t want to move. It was so peaceful, so erotic. I felt safe and comfortable and loved.

I was loved quite a bit last night.

I smiled to myself as I thought about what we had done. And about what they told me they had done with one of Pierce’s ex-girlfriends. I never would have guessed the three of them had such a scandalous history together. Normally, men were weird about being naked around each other.

But there was nothing uncomfortable about the way Tristan and Andrew shared me last night.

Tristan woke up first, sighing heavily and then rolling out of bed. As he sat on the edge and looked at his phone, I slid up and hugged him from behind.

“Good morning.” I kissed him on the back of the neck. “I thought you were only going to cuddle until I fell asleep last night.”

“That was indeed the plan,” he whispered, holding my arm against his chest. “Unfortunately, my contact lenses have dried in my eyes, and my breath is likely foul.”

“I don’t care.” I twisted his head around and kissed him. “Well. I care a little bit. I’ll kiss you more after you’ve brushed your teeth.”

He grinned. “I look forward to it.”

Andrew was sleeping like a log, so I gently kissed him on the cheek and got up to start my day. I took a long bath, then had a big breakfast out on the terrace. Alejandro the chef smiled when I asked for a second helping of waffles, and then laughed heartily when I asked for a third after that! I had worked up an appetite, after all.

My legs were a little stiff from last night’s activities, so I decided to skip my workout and relax by the pool in the sun. As I read a book on my Kindle, I thought about how crazy it all was. First, I had signed a contract to have a billionaire’s baby. The natural way. Now I was having threesomes with his valet and personal assistant.

I couldn’t believe this was my life. I certainly never expected things to go this way when I submitted my file to the surrogate agency. And I hadn’t even gotten pregnant yet!

Andrew joined me by the pool sometime later. He was wearing blue swim trunks and matching sunglasses, smiling at me as the wind ruffled his hair. “Is this chair taken?”

I gestured next to me. “Probably not, considering I’m the only person who has been at the pool all day. Whatchya reading?”

Andrew held up a well-worn paperback. Red Storm Rising. “I figured it was about time for my yearly re-read.”

“Or,” I said, “you could start on A Court of Mist and Fury.”

“Tempting, but I think I’ll stick with a comfort read.” He grinned, then dragged the chair a little closer to mine. Not too close, but within a foot. Smiling to myself, we read our books in comfortable silence.

That afternoon, the helicopter took off and headed west. That wasn’t surprising; Alejandro had been making regular trips into the city to buy supplies for the kitchen. But it was a surprise when the helicopter returned a few hours later and the doors opened.

Andrew lifted his glasses up. “Is that… Pierce?”

“Holy shit, it is!” I said.

I tossed my kindle aside and went running down the stairs to greet Pierce by the dock. He had a thin beard, and was limping slightly. I threw myself into his arms.

“Woah now,” he said while embracing me. “My knees are a little weak right now.”

“My knees are weak seeing you step off that helicopter!” I replied. “You weren’t supposed to be back until tomorrow!”

“I didn’t want to wait for the buses to drive all of us back to San Jose. Besides, I wanted to sleep in a real bed tonight.”
