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“Out of the richest men on the planet, you’re the only one who wouldn’t understand,” Andrew said with a chuckle.

Pierce finished his and ordered an entire second burger and fries. While waiting for it to be made, he leaned back in his chair and sighed happily. “So. The three of you were quite busy while I was gone.”

“Indeed we were,” Tristan said.

I felt myself tense. I had wondered how he would broach the subject, if at all.

“I’m thrilled you took me up on my offer,” Pierce said. “And the videos you sent…”

“They were hot, right?” Andrew asked.

“Extremely. I enjoyed watching them more than you know.”

“I can assure you,” Tristan said with a smirk, “they were even more enjoyable to create.”

“Cheers to that,” Andrew agreed, smiling at me.

“Cheers to three times the likelihood of conceiving a child,” Pierce said, raising his own beer. “And to Melinda for being so… accommodating with this unusual situation.”

The tension slowly went out of my body. No matter what Pierce had told me, I’d expected this to be an uncomfortable conversation. But it was the opposite. The three of them seemed totally at ease about the whole thing.

“I’ve definitely enjoyed it,” I said. “Three is better than one. That’s just basic math.”

We all roared with laughter. I finished my beer and one of the servants brought me another.

“Cards on the table, I had my period earlier this week,” I said. “Unfortunately, I’m not pregnant yet.”

Pierce shrugged. “It is early. I didn’t expect you to get knocked up on the first try.”

“I guess we’ll have to keep trying, then.”

Tristan now raised his glass. “I shall drink to that!”

“Let’s discuss our plans for the next few weeks,” Pierce said. “I trust we’ve all reviewed the spreadsheet?”

Andrew and Tristan nodded. I cleared my throat. “Let’s pretend I haven’t.”

Tristan gave me an exasperated look. I responded with an apologetic grimace.

“The first thing on the schedule is the Paris fashion show,” Pierce said.

“Oh! That sounds fun!” I said.

“It’s quite the event. I want to leave tomorrow.”

Tristan frowned. “The show is not until next week. We are not scheduled to depart until Tuesday.”

“That’s true,” Pierce replied. “But since I’ve returned early, we have time to explore more of the French countryside. Maybe the southern coast. Our options don’t need to be limited to France, either…”

Suddenly, Tristan bellowed with laughter. “You sneaky devil!”

“What?” I asked. “I don’t understand.”

Andrew was grinning at Pierce. “You didn’t.”

“Our delightful employer is referring to the Monaco Grand Prix on Sunday,” Tristan said.

Pierce feigned confusion. “Oh? Is that this weekend?” Then he reached under the table and tossed a large envelope package toward Tristan. “Can you open that for me? I’m still too weak after my race.”
