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It was easy enough to see where production was setting everything up. There were signs that said no phones allowed. Not that he’d take his out and snap any pictures, but he knew a lot of people did.

He moved closer to where things were being set up and just watched. He was good at watching. He’d done enough of that in the military.

“It’s going to be a hot one today,” one of the cameramen said off to the side. “Hey, I remember you.”

Lincoln noticed they were looking at him. “Me?” he asked, looking around.

“Yeah. The helicopter pilot, right?”

He laughed. With his sunglasses on he supposed he might get mistaken for Egan and didn’t think his boss would appreciate that. Though they joked about him wearing a Bond Charter shirt here, he wouldn’t do that and draw attention to Grace.

“I am one but probably not the one you’re thinking of.”

“No, you are,” another guy said who was a few feet away. “I’m with production and editing. You were flying one of the contestants when we did the shoots early on. Grace, right?”

He had been flying her Tuesday. They’d told him they wanted the two of them in the helicopter flying over the island. That they’d use some of the shots to introduce her and the island and resort she worked for.

In his mind though, the questions they were asking and the fact they wanted him flying and not Egan said that they were looking for more of the personal aspect of it. If this guy viewed that film, he’d know.

“That’s me,” he said.

“What do you think about the fact that there are only two East Coast chefs left and three West Coast?”

Lincoln shrugged. “Not much to think about. My guess is everyone is good or they wouldn’t be here.”

Someone snorted close by. “Some got invited for other reasons.”

He looked over at the woman who said that. “Don’t start in on it, Susan. You know how this works and she’s still in it so she has every right to be here.”

Since there were only two women left, there was a fifty-fifty shot that they were talking about Grace.

Deep down they all knew she was asked not because she applied but because of the proposals. Grace just didn’t want anyone to know that while she was competing. Or even while it was airing.

If it came out after the fact, she wouldn’t care.

He was starting to wonder if she won if people would think it was rigged or not.

The last thing he wanted to do was bring this up to Grace though.

She had enough on her mind.

The cameraman looked at him and rolled his eyes. “There is always bickering and opinions. Everyone has money riding on the winner.”

“They do?” he asked.

“Those of us filming and watching it live. Susan is just jealous because who she picked got eliminated first.”

The woman named Susan walked away and he continued to watch everything being set up and hoped that he was able to stay and see Grace in action today. If not, it at least gave him something to do to kill the time today.



Grace was sweating her butt off on the beach.

At first she’d been thrilled to find out they’d be competing here in what she thought was her calm spot.

It was where she went to go and relax at home, but it was far from relaxing now.
