Page 10 of Tainted Desire

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This must suck.

Plus, they told her I wanted to see her, and I treated her as if I was disgusted by her.

I shook my head.

It had been one blow after the other, coming off of—how did Gabe call it?—a mild sedative?

No wonder she seemed off and pissed and fucking gorgeous. Fuck no, not going there. Though she was my problem now.

One more complication I really didn’t need.


The phone rang, jarring me from staring out at the azure sea from my hotel-room balcony. I fumbled for my phone and hesitated when Sophie’s laughing face stared at me, then sighed and took the call.

“Hey, Fee, Gabe and I are heading to the beach. Wanna join us?”

I smiled at Sophie’s desperate attempts to include me in her honeymoon. When the last thing I wanted was to third-wheel their honeymoon bliss. “Thanks, but I think I’ll pass.”

“You can’t stay in your room sulking all day. It’s fabulous out here.”

I raked a hand through my tangled hair, acutely aware I needed a comb and toiletries and clothes—more than the workout clothes that appeared in front of my door yesterday, thanks to—I suspected—Gabe, having a conscience moment.


I searched my mind for an acceptable excuse not to spend time with the newlyweds. Spa session? Diving lessons? What was the most believable? “Thanks, Soph, but I got plans already. I was thinking I’d check out the spa or maybe diving lessons. Or I’d book a tour around the island. You two enjoy your honeymoon.”

All of the excuses, apparently.

“Oh, come on, Fee! It’ll be great bonding time.”

“Between Gabe and you. You got a lot going on, I’m sure. Have fun with your husband, spend time with him, get to know him away from the business, and don’t worry about me.”

Silence stretched between us, and I could almost feel Sophie’s disappointment.

I sighed.

She was way better than me in the punishing-silence game. “I’ll spend time with you, promise. I just want to give you lovebirds space to enjoy your honeymoon, too. No third wheels necessary, okay?”

“Alright,” Sophie finally gave in. “But if you change your mind, we’ll be here!” she said cheerfully before hanging up.

I collapsed back onto the armchair, sighed, and let my eyes wander back to the sparkling ocean. My fingers tapped against the armrest as I contemplated how to occupy myself today. After recent events, solitude suited me just fine. But Sophie was right. Staying in my room, hiding, was not the way to go. I’d tried it, and it didn’t help.

If I wanted to get better, if I wanted to put that nightmare of being kidnapped and held hostage behind me, I needed to put myself out there. Exposure therapy—even if exposure, in my case, was just leaving the house alone.

So, what should I do?

Diving lessons? Too risky—also, I wasn’t too good at putting my head underwater. Spa session? Nope. Being naked with other people touching me—I was willing to take a step but not that big of a step.

Discovering the island on my own was the perfect solution. I would put myself out there, giving the newlyweds some space, and I could get my shopping in, as well.

I dressed in my clothes from yesterday—both courtesy of Sophie. At least I wasn’t here in my bridesmaid dress. I laced up my sneakers, grabbed my purse, and marched toward the main building with determination.

I rounded a corner and collided with a solid chest.

Hands grasped my shoulders and steadied me.

I let my eyes roam upwards from the well-developed chest, over the tattooed neck, over the square jaw, the sinful lips, along the straight nose until I looked up into smoldering dark eyes.
