Page 120 of Tainted Desire

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The shock and betrayal surged through me like a tidal wave, and I did the only thing I could think of—I kicked Declan hard in the nuts, wrenched myself from his grasp, and sprinted back to the burning wreck.

I dropped to my knees beside him. Blood was pouring from a wound in his chest, soaking his white shirt. His labored breathing sent shocks through my system.

“Run, Fee,” he whispered while I laid him flat on the ground and pushed his hand, which held a knife, away.

I shook my head and pressed my shaking hands against his chest, desperately trying to stem the flow.

“Stay with me,” I pleaded, my voice trembling with fear and desperation. “You can’t die. You hear me. You have to hold on. Alex and I need you.”

“Fee…I’m so sorry…” he whispered before his face grew pale as his eyes fluttered shut.

The world closed in around me, the weight of reality crushing me like a vice.

He was dying because of me.

“Declan!” I screamed, tears streaming down my cheeks. “Help me save him, damn you, or I swear I’ll kill you myself!” I shouted at my father’s men.

I didn’t realize Declan was so close until he gripped my shoulders and tried to pull me away.

“Come on, Fiona,” he said coldly. “Your father wants you home by morning.”

“Fuck you!” I spat, rage boiling in my chest. “I won’t leave him to die!”

“Killing Alessandro Falcone is a direct order from your father,” Declan replied, his icy tone sending chills down my spine.

Realization hit. They thought Matteo was Alex?

“Should’ve thought twice about touching her, asshole.” Declan sneered, raising his gun and aiming it at Matteo’s head.

I acted without thinking. I lunged at Declan, knocking his arm just as he fired. The bullet missed its mark, and I scrambled to grab Matteo’s knife from his hand.

“Stay the fuck away from him!” I screamed, pressing the blade against my own throat. “If any of you try to shoot him again, I’ll kill myself!” I screeched.

Declan froze, eyes widening. The gun wavered in his grip.

“Fee…” Matteo groaned weakly, barely conscious.

But I ignored him and faced Declan.

Declan’s eyes narrowed, and his gaze bounced between me and Matteo. I could see the calculations spinning in his head, trying to determine if I was serious.

I was dead serious.

For emphasis, I pressed the knife harder against my skin until I could feel the bite, could feel a trickle of warm blood slide down my neck.

I ignored the pain and kept my focus on Declan. I had to convince him. Had to make him believe I was truly desperate enough to end my own life.

“Let’s leave. Right the fuck now,” I snarled at Declan, channeling my inner mob-princess persona.

Please let my bluff work—or was it even a bluff? Could I live with myself if Matteo died because of me?

After a tense moment, Declan slowly lowered his gun. His lips twisted into a sneer. “You always were too damn stubborn for your own good.”

He made a come-hither motion, and I stepped closer.

“He’s almost dead anyway,” he spat. “Let’s go.”

I looked down at Matt one last time. “Please don’t die,” I whispered, my voice raw and broken.
