Page 17 of Tainted Desire

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After a few miles, I spotted a familiar figure trudging down the side of the road.


Just the sight of her made my blood boil.

And burn.

She was a pain in my ass, but damn if she wasn’t the most intriguing thing in my life right now.

I pulled up beside her, gravel crunching under my tires.

She looked up as I stopped beside her, the hope in her eyes disappeared right along with the flirty smile, and her green eyes flashed with annoyance.

“Hop on.” I couldn’t help but admire her beauty, even all sweaty and breathless and slightly reddish from the sun.

Her eyes flashed. “Go to hell.” She turned, ready to walk on.

The rush of adrenaline was unlike anything else.

My stomach tightened, and I pulled my sunglasses from my face. I wasn’t used to being defied outright, not in life, not in the club. My dominant nature wasn’t just a product of my upbringing—it was who I was. And Fee challenged me in a way no one else ever had.

No woman, at least.

I put down the stand, parked my bike, then swung my leg over the seat and followed her.

She looked back as I approached. Turned when I grabbed her shoulder, her skin hot beneath my hand.

“It’s hot out here. Get on the bike.” I gentled my tone though it grated on my nerves.

Coaxing or begging had never been my strong suit.

“I’d rather walk.”

I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. Why did she always have to make things difficult? “Please, just get on the bike.”

“Why should I listen to you?” She stood with her arms crossed, glared at me, and radiated defiance.

Holy shit.

I wanted to kiss her until she was out of breath, and then I would tell her to get on her knees and open her mouth.


“Why don’t we get out of this heat first and discuss the realization of your plans later?” I demanded gruffly, trying my best to maintain my easy expression.

But she only glared back at me, her fiery spirit sexy and annoying as hell. “Fuck off, Alex,” she spat, crossing her arms over her chest. “As if I would go anywhere with you.”

We stared each other down, the tension between us palpable and sizzling.

My crotch tightened.

Why the ever-loving fuck was my body reacting to her with desire when in my mind, I wanted nothing more than to strangle her? Though I couldn’t back down, not on this.

I stepped closer, close enough to catch her scent, a mix of sweat and floral shampoo. “Get on the bike, princess. I won’t ask again.”

She tipped up her chin, refusing to budge. “Or what? You’ll punish me?” A mocking smile curled her lips. “I’m not afraid of you.”

I grabbed her by the nape, fingers curling into her damp hair.
