Page 42 of Tainted Desire

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I arrived at the club within a couple of minutes—record time since my office and the nightclub were on the opposite ends of our little peninsula.

My eyes went to Fee the minute I was through the door. And as if she could feel my eyes on her, she looked up and froze.

“Lock down Moretti,” I ordered Matt before I crossed the dancefloor in three steps.

Fee stood frozen, but the guy she’d been dancing with still had his hands on her hips. I looked down at his hands, then dragged my eyes up to him.

“You better not be too fond of those hands.”

The guy narrowed his brows.

“Because you won’t get to use them much longer.”

He looked down at his hands, then back at me, then, as if he had a flash of realization, he pulled his hands from Fee’s body and stuck them up into the air.

“Alex?” Fee’s voice was a low slur.

So she’d been drinking and partying? Anger shot through me like a lightning bolt. “What do you think you’re doing here?”

She stared at me. And it took her a couple of seconds for her to answer, “None of your business.”

I narrowed my brows, then gave Matt, who came up next to me, a nod. The guy next to Fiona got dragged away by two of my men.

Fee stared at the scene and then back at me. “What the fuck are you doing?”

I took a step closer. “Whatever the fuck I want.” Then I grabbed her wrist and dragged her with me.

“Alex.” She grabbed my wrist with her other hand while she stumbled behind me.

But I couldn’t.

The storm brewing inside of me was threatening to consume me whole.

Fee was my responsibility.

I’d ordered security back at the hotel to have an eye on her. I should’ve tasked Matt with the task, though after she’d feigned to be tired after dinner, I thought I had until morning to set up her personal security detail.

Had she lied to me?

Had going out to party been her plan to begin with?

We reached my office, and I dragged her to a chair. “What the hell are you doing, partying it up in my club?”

“Your club? I didn’t know it was your club.”

“So?” I tapped my foot.

“So.” She stared at me defiantly. “I would’ve gone somewhere else if I’d known it was your club.”

I clenched my jaw.

Fiona Donnelly was the most infuriating woman I’d ever met.

I leaned down, caging her in with my hands on the handrests. “Be very careful.”

She strained her neck and stared up at me without a speck of fear in her eyes. “Or what?”

I dragged a deep breath into my lungs, could smell her scent—mixed with the perfume I ordered to be sent to her along with the toiletries.
