Page 5 of Tainted Desire

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Then he turned and started walking.

For a moment, my attention was drawn to his very sexy clad-in-jeans behind before I regained my composure.

“You get an A+ for the extravagant exit. Can you please put me down again, wannabe-Superman?”

“Such a brat,” was all he said and kept walking out the entrance and to the right.

“Hey, caveman, I don’t have any luggage, so I need something to wear. Any chance there’s a shop somewhere nearby?”

His step faltered. He stopped. Then he let me back down.


I slid down along his front until I reached the ground, standing toe to toe with him.

“I could do without the name-calling,” he said, his stare keeping me rooted to the spot. “And why didn’t you bring any luggage?”

“I could do without the insults… or you,” I replied.

He nodded, then offered his hand. “How about a pact? You don’t bother me, and I don’t bother you. Let’s not talk at all while you’re here.”

“Gladly,” I said and shook his hand, which was kinda awkward because there wasn’t a lot of space between us, so my fingertips touched his very muscular abs with the motion.

“So, where’s my room, and is there a shop nearby?”

He started walking again, didn’t even turn around to look if I was following him—which I reluctantly did.

He took a sharp right at the first exit through the bushes lining the paved walkway, walked up a flight of stairs, and stopped at the second room. “This is you. Try not to annoy your neighbors.”

I glared at him, opened the door with my keycard, and closed the door without another word or even turning around.

I’d known two seconds into our last meeting that Alessandro Falcone was an unpleasant fellow.

I just didn’t know how unpleasant.


The night manager droned on about the faulty air conditioning unit in one of the suites, but I tuned him out.

Managing the Falcone assets in Malta had turned out to be a full-time job.

A job that, thank God, kept me occupied enough to—at least sometimes—stop me from overthinking my current fucked-up situation or my next moves.

Just getting through today had become my new motto. Which was basically a complete 360 to how I had led my life until now.

“Just get it fixed first thing tomorrow,” I said, then turned my attention to the reception beyond the big, glass partition.

Behind the group of people checking in, I spotted Gabe striding across the marble lobby as if he owned the place—which he technically did.

My stomach tightened.

His gaze scanned the room, and before he could see me, I dropped down behind the desk.


The last thing I needed was a late-night chat with my overprotective and very concerned big brother.

I mean, I loved Gabe despite him taking the place I always thought would be mine—something that I came to grips with when he came back.
