Page 8 of Tainted Desire

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“Special?” I chuckled. “More like a ridiculously giant pain in the ass for a person her size and age.”

I recalled the electrical buzz zapping through my body as I saw her again.

Somehow, despite her blatant dislike of me, she’d wormed her way into my thoughts and under my skin. Even before meeting her again, her reaction in Dublin had been burned into my soul and caused a weird kind of obsession. But today, the way she looked at me after finding out I stood behind her.


Would she wear the clothes I left at her door? Or would she burn them, just because they were mine?

Gabe leaned back in the lounge chair and stared at me. “Why are you so mean to her?”

Because ever since the first time I met her, she had wormed her way into my thoughts, and I did not like it.

At all.

Especially since digging into her had led me to discover a woman without depth, without any qualities that should captivate me and make me obsess.

“Because she’s as shallow as they come. A party princess. Jet-setting around Europe. No depth. No direction. And on top of being useless, she’s apparently a basket case,” I replied without hesitation, leaving out my weird obsession despite all the reasons why I shouldn’t even grace her with another thought.

Gabe raised an eyebrow. “And you came to that conclusion because…”

“Because she’s here. Accompanying her cousin on her fucking honeymoon. That’s like next-level cuckoo.”

“Is it?” Gabe asked with a hint of amusement in his voice.

“What? Do you want to tell me something?” I faltered, when a strangely disturbing thought entered my mind. “Is there something going on between the three of you?”

“The three of us?” he scoffed.

“Like a triad or something?”

Gabe chuckled. “Fuck no. My sharing days are over.”

I relaxed again.

Why the fuck was I relieved?

Gabe watched me, and I grinned. “Case in point. She’s wacko.”

“My wife was worried about her best friend.”

“And your wife decided your honeymoon was the right place to bring her? You must really suck in bed.”

Gabe narrowed his eyes, but a small smile played at his lips. He was enjoying trading insults. “Not as much as you do. Did any sucking lately?”

I lowered my brows and stared him down. I’d had my fair share of sexual experiences with men—mostly in threesome scenarios—not that sucking them off was what got me off, but I certainly didn’t say no to being on the receiving end of tight lips and expert skills.

Not that I would discuss my sexual preferences with my brother—or anyone.

Gabe sighed and rubbed his forehead. “We kind of kidnapped her.”

“Kidnapped her?” I asked incredulously.

“We didn’t tell her she was coming with us.”

“Are you shitting me?”

“Cristo only slipped her a mild sedative, nothing serious.”
