Page 98 of Tainted Desire

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I stared at the phone, stunned. Frank rarely asked for help, and I’d never heard him speak in such a panicked tone. What the hell was going on?

“Really, Frank?” I mumbled, staring at the screen in confusion. “A sex club will help with your troubles? What did you do now?”

I looked at the clock—3 a.m. Not the time to call someone back, but then again, I looked at the time Frank called me—which had been just an hour ago, and he’d sounded wide awake.

My mind raced, searching for reasons why he would need me to go with him.

And how to let him down easily.

I dialed Frank’s number, rubbing my breastbone, trying to ease the weight of my mixed emotions, the hurt that still lingered.

He picked up almost immediately.

“Frank, what’s going on?” I said, trying to sound calm.

“Fee, please”—his panicked voice pierced through my hesitation—“I can’t talk now, but I really need you to come with me.”

My thoughts immediately turned to Alex—his reaction to this would undoubtedly be explosive—if he cared at all. “Why don’t you take Nina instead?” I asked, not understanding why he would insist on my company.

“Please, Fee”—Frank’s pleading tone unsettled me—“my life is at stake here, and I need you at my side.”

Goosebumps raced over my skin at the raw terror in his voice. I’d never known Frank to be overly dramatic. If he said his life was at stake, he meant it.

I chewed my lip, torn between concern for my friend, anger at Alex, and my loyalty towards him—despite everything.

He would not like this, and also, going with Frank would mean staying one more day and night when my plan was to leave the island ASAP—which would piss off my father.

“Please, Fee, I really, really need you,” he said again.

Frank was a friend. And I couldn’t abandon him. Not when he needed me most.

After tonight, Alex and I were parting ways anyway—a clean break—just as I told Matt.

And going to the club with Frank would be just that—a step toward untangling myself from Alex’s grip.

“Fine.” I sighed, my voice heavy with resignation. “But I’m just your plus one, Frank. I’m not interested in playing or anything. You understand?”

“Of course, Fee,” he agreed, relief evident in his voice. “Thank you.”

I hung up, tossed the phone on the nightstand, and dragged a hand down my face. What had I gotten myself into?

If Alex found out about me going to a sex club with a guy, he’d hit the roof.

Then again, he’d made it clear I had no place in his world. “If you have no loyalty to me, then you have no place here. I want you gone. Now.”

I was under no obligation to consider his feelings. Just like he completely disregarded mine. If I wanted to help an old friend in need, that was my business.

And my business alone.

With my mind made up, I brushed my teeth, changed into my oversized black sleep shirt, and settled down for the night, alone with my thoughts and the quiet hum of the air conditioner.

Could I avoid Alex for the rest of my time on the island? And what the hell was going on with Frank? My mind swirled with questions, too much for sleep to have any chance.


From the balcony off my room, I stared out into the inky black night, when the sliding door opened, and Matteo stepped out.

The tension radiating from him hung thick in the air as he took the chair next to me without saying a word.
