Page 25 of Loyalty

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The floor sloped down, and the air became cooler. A chill passed through me, as I realized where we were going moments before we turned another corner, and I spotted the rusted gate.

I pressed my lips together to keep from revealing that I knew where we were and what requirement Torq had brought me to fulfill.

“The secret passageways underneath the academy.” His voice was a hush as we walked closer. “There are a few entrances, but this one is the safest.”

I nodded. It was also the one from which we’d emerged after using the passageways to sneak out of the school and see the maze the night before the trials. Even though I’d been there before and already fulfilled this unofficial requirement, I couldn’t tell Torq.

He might already know that there had been some type of coaching for the human cadets before the trials, but he didn’t know how extensive it had been, or that Kann had taken us through the underground tunnels to see the maze. I didn’t know if that would make a difference to the Drexian, but I couldn’t take the risk that he’d find that detail too much to keep secret. We hadn’t gone into the maze or previewed any of the challenges, but Torq might not care.

He might think that we’d had an unfair advantage. He might think that the new information was reason to break our deal. Or he might think that it meant he was now entitled to more from me to keep him quiet.

I followed behind Torq, dreading what I already knew was coming—a low ceiling dripping with water, darkness so complete I wouldn’t be able to see my hand in front of my face, and uneven dirt beneath my feet interspersed with puddles. I breathed in the loamy scent of soil as we entered the passages, not minding the warmth of Torq’s hand closing around mine.

“How far do we have to go?” I asked, my voice echoing back to me. I’d already been to the end and back, so technically I’d already checked off this requirement, not that I could admit it.

“Some say all the way until it ends, but I never have. I have heard that it is caved in at places, so who knows if it is even possible to reach the end anymore.”

It was possible, but I kept my mouth shut. The sooner this was over, the better.

We shuffled along in total blackness for a few more steps until a laugh bubbled up in my throat. “So this is your idea of a fun break?”

Torq stopped. “You do not think this is better than drilling Kronock vocabulary?”

One of my feet landed in a puddle, splashing cold water on other pant leg. “No, I do not.” I mimicked his more formal speech. “It’s cold and dark and it smells like something has died down here.”

Torq was silent for a beat then he chuckled. “I suppose you are right. It does smell pretty dank.”

“Why can’t one of the requirements be sneaking into the kitchens and snagging some food from under the cooks’ noses? Now that I could get behind.”

Torq laughed harder. “Stealing food is not a very Drexian challenge.”

“It’s a very me challenge.” My stomach growled at the thought of warm Drexian bread, and it hit me that I’d been so busy in the Stacks that I’d forgotten to eat dinner. “I’m starving.”

“Then we can get out of here and go to the kitchens.”

I released a breath. “That’s the best idea you’ve had all night.”

We pivoted in the other direction and started retracing our steps in the dark. Torq was slightly in front of me, but he’d dropped my hand as we groped our way along the damp walls. The toe of my boot caught on the uneven ground, and I pitched forward with a yelp.

Before I hit the dirt, Torq caught me and pulled me up until we were facing each other. His arms gripped the sides of my arms as we both breathed heavily.

“Thanks.” I couldn’t see his face, but I could feel how close he was to me.

Torq didn’t speak. Instead, he cupped my face in one hand, running his thumb over my lips as if he was trying to see me by touch.

My heart hammered in my chest, and I was sure he could hear it. His body was so close to mine, I was sure he could feel it.

Torq closed the scant distance between us and crushed his mouth to mine with a groan, but I could barely hear his hungry sound over the pounding of my heart. He wrapped one arm around my waist and pressed his palm to the small of my back to hold me to him as he deepened the kiss. When he backed me against the damp wall, I remembered where we were and who he was and why we couldn’t happen.

It had been a hot minute since I’d been kissed, but this was unlike any human kiss. His lips were soft but even they felt more forceful, stronger, more dominant. And he tasted like everything dark and forbidden that I’d been avoiding my entire life—like velvety smooth whiskey with a fire chaser.

I pushed him away and gasped for breath once he broke the kiss. “I thought you said I was the one who would beg you.”

He ran his fingers through my hair as he dragged in uneven breaths. “You will, but that is when we end up in bed together. I never said anything about stealing kisses.”

Of course, the Drexian was a cheater. I despised cheaters. But why could I not bring myself to despise him? Why did I only want more of his stolen kisses?

