Page 15 of Bite of Desire

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Amaros Kane was sighted. Belief that the vampires are gearing up for a fight has PARA on edge.

“Motherfucker. Fuck, that hurt like a bitch.”

Viggo’s groggy voice had my heart jumping, and I leaped to my feet, tightly holding the notebook. I understood why Zan didn’t want the Clovers knowing about him. But the vampires had no right to learn all their secrets. I spotted a small metal trashcan and scoured the shelves until I found what I was looking for.

“Kali?” Viggo called out loudly before lowering his voice. “I can smell you. And hear your heartbeat. Thank fuck. If you died, my little brother would have killed me.”

I ripped the page about Zan out of the notebook, and let it fall to the floor, knowing I only had seconds before Viggo found me. I tossed the book into the trashcan, fumbling with the matches I’d grabbed. It took me three swipes before I finally got a match lit.

“Your heart is racing,” Viggo said, his voice getting louder. “What are you up to?”

I saw him out of the corner of my eye right as I dropped the match. The notebook immediately caught fire, its pages curling as they burned.

“What’s that?” Viggo hissed, rushing forward.

“You wanted what they had on Zan,” I said coldly, nodding to the lone paper on the floor. “There it is.”

“Then what are you burning?”

I raised my head to look at him. “I said I’d help you with what you needed. But you don’t need to know all the Clovers’ secrets.”

His eyes flashed dangerously. “We have Warner and Matt under entrancement. We can find out whatever we want.”

“Then me burning this shouldn’t be a problem.”

But it was, and I was sure Viggo knew even though he stayed silent, watching the flames. Warner and Matt might be Clovers, but they weren’t let in on every secret, just like I wasn’t. The things in these notebooks were only told to a select few. Viggo grumbled under his breath as he plucked the paper off the floor, his eyes moving down the page. After reading it, he tossed it into the fire, and we both stood there in silence as it burned.

“You could have killed me,” he said stiffly. “You had the perfect chance when that bullet was in my head. I’m surprised you didn’t, after I threatened Warner.”

“Thanks to this”—I grabbed the necklace—“Zan can find me anywhere. He might want me alive now, but I’m smart enough to know that would change if I murdered his brother.”

I could feel his eyes on me, but I didn’t look at him. Instead, I kept my gaze on the dying fire. With a sigh, he moved and grabbed some clothes off one of the shelves. He rummaged through them before finding a hoodie that fit him, and then he tossed one to me.

“Make sure all the blood is covered,” he instructed. “We don’t want any attention when we leave.”

I slipped the gray hoodie over my head, not caring that it was too large. My hands were still stained red, even after wiping the guy’s blood off on my tank top.

“What about…them?” I asked quietly.

“Not our problem.”

My heart clenched at his careless words. Even if I wasn’t with the Clovers anymore, I couldn’t help but feel like the traitor they thought I was. My body tensed when Viggo suddenly grabbed the matchbook from my hand.


“My blood is all over that woman,” he muttered. “I have to cover it up.”

“Viggo,” I shrieked, grabbing his arm when he reached and grabbed a few notebooks from the box. “What are you doing?”

“Destroying evidence that I was here.”

“If you set a fire, the whole building could go up in flames. People live here. Innocent people. And this bunker is how the Clovers survive.”

He ignored me, shaking me off before striding back toward the weapon room. He was ripping pages out of the notebook as he walked, and I was seriously regretting not killing him when I had the chance.

“They’ll lock the city down if there’s a fire.” I tried again to talk him out of it. “We won’t be able to get out.”

“We’ll be long gone by then. We’re two stories underground. I doubt the fire will even reach the building.”
