Page 79 of Bite of Desire

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“Sorry,” he muttered, his face paling slightly. “I didn’t mean any disrespect.”

“We’ll be at the property tomorrow night,” Viggo spoke up. “Time for you to leave.”

“Amaros wants us to escort you,” Jasper replied nervously. “PARA has men everywhere right now, and he thinks we need to stay in groups.”

This was fucking great. Kali was possibly the baby we’d taken from his property, and now we were going to take her back there. Anger and nerves swirled through me, and I got to my feet and stomped away, ripping open the door. There was no way I could keep Kali here. If I didn’t bring her, then Amaros would come get her. He wanted to see her for a reason.

I strode down the hall, the loud music mixing in with the random conversations that were happening inside Impulse. Once I stepped into the main room, I scanned the area until I found Kali near the bar. She looked fucking stunning in her jeans and the tight top that Gia had given her. The lower part of her back was showing, revealing some of her tattoo. Movement beside her caught my attention, and the anger I was already feeling exploded into red-hot rage.

The blond fucking asshole who’d talked to her before was eyeing her in a way that had me clenching my fists. What was his name? Walker. I should have killed him the first time he spoke to her. I watched in silence as he inched closer. Gia was aware of him too, but once she caught sight of me, she returned to pouring drinks behind the bar.

I was already in a mood because of the conversation with Jasper, and I could feel myself losing it. Right now, I didn’t give a shit. If Walker so much as accidentally bumped into her, he was fucking dead.

Chapter 26


“Let me help.”

The tray of drinks was suddenly yanked from my hands, and I whirled around, coming face to face with a vampire. Walker was his name, if I remembered correctly. His leering smirk had my neck prickling, and I straightened my spine, shooting him a glare. He was the same vampire who’d stopped me in the street on the night Amaros was here. Gia had scared him off then, but I glanced over my shoulder to see her acting oblivious behind the bar.

Even though I’d applied the lotion after my shower, the hunger in his eyes had me almost second-guessing that I’d covered myself. But I had a feeling he wasn’t staring at me because he smelled my blood. It was a different kind of hunger. One just as dangerous as blood lust. He wanted me. Maybe just for sex. Or as a way to challenge Zan. Either way, he was a monster I didn’t want to be near.

“Have you forgotten where you are?” I asked, my voice hard. “Back off before you regret it.”

He didn’t heed my warning, taking a step closer to pin me between him and the bar. His eyes drifted over my shoulder, and I was sure he was looking at Gia. I didn’t dare look, not wanting to turn my back on him.

“If Zan wants you, he should keep you away from all of us,” he murmured, his attention landing back on me. “How old are you?”

I wasn’t sure if he was asking my real age or how long since I’d turned into a vampire, since that’s what he thought I was. I had no intention of telling him anything. Keeping my frigid glare on him, I stepped to the side, only for him to follow me. With Gia at my back and Zan somewhere around here, I wasn’t exactly scared, but I couldn’t deny my unease.

My instincts almost had me grabbing for my stake in my boot, even though I knew I could only use that as a last resort. I didn’t need the vampires here questioning me about being human. That would put an even larger target on my back.

“Move,” I ordered sharply.

His eyes flashed with challenge, and he did the exact opposite. He stepped forward, pushing me back until my spine hit the bar. Resting his hands on the counter on either side of me, he leaned in until his hot breath hit my face when he caged me in. My palms slapped against his chest, but my shove was useless against his strength. Something that seemed to amuse him.

“You don’t seem all that special to me,” he mocked, keeping his hands on the counter to make sure I couldn’t slip away. “Newbies are no fun. Just as boring as humans. So why does Zan Kane have an interest in you? Or are you just his personal little slut? Why don’t you show me why he keeps you around? I can take your mouth first. Then your pussy.”

I caught a flash of movement to the left of us, and a second later, there was a loud thud before Walker let out an agonizing yell. He jerked back, but for some reason, he kept his left hand on the counter. I glanced down, my stomach roiling when I realized why he wasn’t moving any farther.

Buried in the middle of his hand was a blade, and it looked like it was deep enough that it was stabbed into the wooden bar. Blood oozed from the wound, and Walker groaned in pain as he grabbed my arm with his free hand and yanked me away from him so he could reach the hilt of the knife. I slammed into a hard body, and when an arm wrapped around my waist, I knew who it was.

“Stay right there,” Zan ordered from behind me. “Don’t even think about pulling it out.”

The danger radiating in his voice sent a chill through me. Walker whipped his head up, his fingers still wrapped around the knife. He looked over my shoulder, fear sliding into his gaze. After a moment, he lifted his chin in challenge, but he still didn’t pull the blade from his hand. Even though the music was still blaring, I could tell everyone’s attention was on us. There was no yelling near the pool table or loud conversations like usual. I peeked around, my face getting hot when I saw all eyes on us. Viggo and Pax were standing in the back near the hall, looking content to just watch.

“Zan,” Walker sputtered out, his voice thick with pain. “I?—”

“Not a fucking word,” Zan cut him off.

Walker pressed his lips together, his face scrunching in anger. But he still didn’t move. His fear of Zan was outweighing everything else right now. I swallowed my cry when Zan’s arm dropped from my waist, and he grabbed my arm, tugging me away. We rounded the bar, and he halted once we were right across from Walker. I didn’t even get a chance to look at Zan before he placed me in front of him, pushing my stomach against the bar. The music was turned down to almost nothing, and I could hear Walker’s heaving breaths.

My mind was racing with questions, but I stayed silent. Zan situated himself behind me until his body was flush with mine. His fingers dug into my hip, as if he was proving to everyone that I was his to touch. Only his.

I didn’t want to be seen as his. Like a possession. But with all eyes on us, it wasn’t the time to protest or argue. Not when these vampires looked at Zan like a leader. They might fear him, but most respected him too. Fighting with him on this wouldn’t end well.

“Put your other hand on the bar,” Zan demanded, his breath skimming my hair.
