Page 8 of Bite of Desire

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I tsked. “I don’t think so. You want to be part of our plans? Then you have to talk to us. Talk to me.”

“What do you want to talk about, Zan?” she bit out. “The fact that you dragged me back when this was the last place I wanted to be?”

“I protected you,” I growled, stepping into her personal space. “Saved you.”

“I know that,” she burst out, conflict crossing her face. “But then you took me. I didn’t have to come back here.”

“You did.” I backed her up until she hit the wall in the hall, not stopping until her palms slammed against my chest. She tipped her chin up, her eyes blazing with defiance and anger. “You know my secrets. Kane secrets. It was either this or kill you. Which one would you rather have?”

“Turning me isn’t an option anymore?” she grated out even though I knew that wasn’t what she wanted either.

“Even if I turned you, the outcome would have been the same. You’d be just as reckless as a new vampire as you are as a human. You can’t go to the center with what you know. You’d still be stuck here with me.”

“What do you want from me, Zan?” she asked irritably.

I caught her chin in my grasp when she tried looking away from me. “I don’t know. But I do know that I want you here. And if you stop fighting me at every fucking turn, then maybe you can learn to like this life.”

For once, she didn’t hide her emotions. Raw pain and anger were splashed on her face as she tried to pull her chin from my hold. I didn’t let her go, refusing to let her run away from this conversation again.

“Even if I’m not with the Clovers anymore, it doesn’t mean my feelings toward vampires have suddenly changed,” she spat out.

“And your feelings toward me?”

My heart pounded as I waited for her to respond. I was aware of her hate toward my kind. I understood it after being stuck with the Clovers. That didn’t change the fact that I didn’t want her to leave. Even though I knew it was a bad fucking idea. That she could turn on me at any moment—get me and my brothers killed. But even that thought couldn’t sway me from wanting her. And it was driving me crazy.

“You’re different,” she admitted in a strangled voice. “But you’re a Kane. You’re still planning something with your father against humans, and even me being here won’t change your mind.”

She paused, as if waiting for me to refute her words. My jaw ticked, but I remained silent because she was right. There was no changing the plan we’d been working toward for years. Her eyes hardened, and this time when she swiped at my arm, I let her go. She fled down the hall, disappearing into my room.

I didn’t chase after her, giving her some time to calm down. It wasn’t like she was going anywhere. I could be patient. For a while anyway.

Chapter 3


Ifinished braiding my hair and tied off the end as I looked in the mirror. I was wearing my favorite leggings and my boots. The white tank top was gifted from Gia and fit me like a glove. Nerves knotted my stomach, and I felt naked without any weapons. We were leaving to go to Project Hope, and my emotions were all over the place.

The main reason for going was to try and keep Tim and Jill alive. Even if they thought I’d turned against them and the Clovers, I hadn’t. The Clovers were larger than me. They wanted to help save humans, to push PARA back. I wasn’t ready to turn my back on them yet.

Someone cleared their throat, and I nearly jumped. I whirled around, expecting to see Zan, since this was his bathroom. Instead, it was Viggo leaning against the doorframe. His arms were crossed, his gaze holding none of his usual playfulness. A chill raced down my spine, but I fixed my expression, refusing to show him my unease. Zan wanted me here, and I doubted his brother would do anything to me.

His stare didn’t leave me as he spoke. “I thought we’d have a chat before we leave.”

“What do you want?”

“I like you, Kali,” he said in a low voice. “You’re smart. Cunning. Deadly. Perfect for this kind of life. And for some reason, you bring a light into my little brother’s eyes that I haven’t seen in a long fucking time.”

I didn’t leave from my spot near the small bathroom counter, waiting for him to finish. Threat was in the air, and the back of my neck prickled when he took a step toward me.

“For some godforsaken reason, Zan wants you,” he murmured, his voice turning dangerous. “I like you—but I don’t trust you. I don’t know if I ever will. You hate our kind. Your loyalty is to the humans. To the Clovers, even now. Zan knows it too, but he’s blinded because he can’t get you out of his head. Pax is too kind. Me? I’m the oldest. And I protect my family. From any threat.”

“I’m not planning anything,” I said stiffly.

Viggo searched my face. “Good. I can’t hurt you—not without Zan’s permission—something I doubt he’d give me. But Warner? He’s fair game. If you do anything to endanger us when we’re in Project Hope, it’s him I’ll hunt. Got it?”

His eyes dipped to my chest when my heart skipped. Anger scorched my veins, but I reined it in, giving him a curt nod. “I’m not going to do anything.”

The bathroom was suddenly suffocating. I opened my mouth again to demand that he get out, but then I heard the bedroom door slam open. A second later, Zan appeared in the bathroom doorway, a frown on his lips when he saw Viggo.

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