Page 443 of Every Breath After

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“Just shut up and kiss me.”

And in this breath of space—this little pocket of time carved out just for us—I’m suddenly no longer eleven… but fourteen. And we’re not standing in a cemetery, but huddled on the floor in his basement, surrounded by kids from school. And I’m pretending like I’m not nervous as shit, crawling on my knees to the boy curled up against the wall, darting petrified looks all around the room.

He’s not that scared boy now—the one I was relieved to be able to kiss, if only to prove something to him—to reassure him. Relieved it got to be me…

And yeah, it was wrong, so wrong—so wrong I wanted to pretend it never even happened after he stormed out.

The look in his eye…

He ignored me for a week after that.

I was so certain I ruined our friendship.

Not to mention, Izzy…

Izzy, Izzy, Izzy.

Fuck, I was furious with her.

“Forgive me,” Jeremy whispers, and I know without a doubt, his words aren’t for me…

But for the girl, who in a sense, has always been between us.

With those two softly uttered words, thrown up at the heavens, he seals his lips to mine?—

And she is forgotten.

If only for this moment.

It’s just Jeremy and me, and a lifetime of fear and regret and pushed back feelings colliding in a white-hot supernova that obliterates every other thought, every other sensation, but this.



My arms come around him, pulling him up flat against me. His mouth stretches mine open, giving our tongues all the permission they need to tangle hotly together, like it’s what they’ve been made to do.

A small, deep sound crawls up my throat, and he catches it with a gasp, deepening our kiss impossibly more.

My fingers dig into his back, and his blunt nails dig into my scalp.

Forget the kiss at fourteen—hell,forget the two kisses we shared months ago.

As far as I’m concerned, this is it—this is what it truly is like to kiss Jeremy Montgomery, my shy, stubborn boy with his fiercely protected heart; the boy who gave me back the stars…the angels…

The boy who held me even when it was likely killing him…

The boy who just ripped himself open for me.

“I’m in love with you, Mason.”

Like this, trapped in his orbit. I can believe it. I feel it. How he hid this from me, I have no fucking idea. How I could even doubt him… No clue.

This kiss isn’t just a goodbye—a last chance.

It’s an affirmation.

A last-second battle cry into a war I didn’t even know I was fighting.
