Page 57 of Outshone

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When I looked back at everyone, their eyes were incredibly wide.

“She’s a rew, like you,” Silverowl whispered. He looked at Fox. “That can’t be random.”

Fox shook his head. “No, it’s definitely not.”

“Water?” Lily whispered.

I started to reach for a water glass, but Jolie pulled a small, plastic child’s cup from her purse, one with an animated character I didn’t know, and set it on the table.

Lily took it and greedily sucked on the straw.

“Thanks,” I said.

Jolie winked. “I kept a few things from Caleb’s childhood in the hopes of having grandchildren in the future.”

Silverowl and Fox whispered to each other, obviously discussing Lily.

“So, what called for this occasion?” I asked. “I was kept in the dark about this dinner until we arrived.”

“First, we’re going to eat and enjoy each other’s company,” Nico said. “After that, we can discuss the matters that brought us together.”

Sighing, I pet Lily’s head. “Fine. Be cryptic like always.”

She giggled at something from the show, and I adored the cute sound.

“Are you hungry?” I asked Lily.

She nodded. “Nuggets?”

I glanced at Jolie, confused.

“I’m sure we can ask for some chicken nuggets,” she said with a smile.

Lily looked at her and canted her head. “You … different?”

Leona snickered and Jolie gave her a glare.

“Yes, a little,” Jolie admitted, smiling softly at Lily. “I’m your alpha’s mom. Your grandmother.”

Lily thought about it a moment, her eyes widened, and she asked, “You give presents?”

Caleb coughed as he drank his water.

Jolie smiled, the obvious joy showing. “Yes, I will give you lots and lots and lots of presents.”

Lily looked up at me. “I like her.”

I smiled. “Yes, I like her, too.”

Lily returned to her show.

I had thought the men who were my mates would be the last to steal my heart, but I had not anticipated this little girl. She had stolen it again. I wrapped my arms around her and squeezed.

She giggled and patted my arm. “No constricting! Not too hard.”

Right, she was a snake that used constriction for its prey.

Loosening my grip, I said, “Right. No tight constriction. Only light, friendly constricting.”
