Page 69 of Worthy

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“I think that’s a firm ‘Yes!’” Jessie shouts.

I pull my lips away from his, “That’s a definite ‘Yes’ from me.”

Jerry opens the folder in front of him and groans when he reads the file.

He points at me, then at the folder. “I blame you for this!”

Baffled by his surliness and outburst—although I shouldn’t be—I ask, “Blame me for what?”

He slides the folder over to me, and I read the assignment out loud for him, Carter, Roger, and Jessie. “Roslynn Peretti, mid-30s, foster mom to six children, one of whom is presumed to be the child of Salvatore Hernandez, leader of the Columbian Cartel.”

“How is this my fault?” I ask.

“You spoke it into existence!” he shouts. “You said that I would fall in love with a woman and have six kids! It’s not going to happen!”

“I’m so lost,” Jessie chimes in.

“You’re not alone,” Ben says.

I double over in laughter, pointing at Jerry, “He’s the next to fall! And boy, is he going to enjoy the ride!”
