Page 43 of Jabarri

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“A bun,” I told her, eating, impressed with Praise’s skills. She waited a few minutes longer and then asked.

“Where was it?” she asked me, and I answered on autopilot.

“In the oven,” I ate several more forkfuls of food before my brain cells actually put two and two together. My fork clattered to the plate as I looked up at her, shocked but needing to verify what I thought she was saying.

“A bun in the oven!? You’re pregnant? Parker!” I call her when she doesn’t immediately reply. “Are you pregnant?”

“Yes, I am already in my second trimester,”

“Wait, what? So you were pregnant during that gunfight?”

“It would appear that way,”

“I wish I could dig those fuckers up so I could kill them again,”

“Your son and I are just fine. He is built Gideon tough, but I will be glad when he gives me my body back,” I made my way around the table to hug her and told her I love her. Look at her now, over there glowing, big, and happy. I wonder how fast she’ll let me knock her up again.

“You really need help,” I look at him with my head crooked like he is crazy.

“Oh and you haven’t thought about getting Skai pregnant. How she would look carrying your baby?”

She’s carrying my babies inside of her right now. I think, remembering all the cum I shot inside of her earlier. “We’ve had other things on our minds,” I tell him instead, never really answering his question. True gets our attention before he can come back to push further.



“Okay, we have a few games to play, and I am going to say right now there will be no cheating,” True announces, looking directly at us. “Today is going to be the women against the men, and let the best woman win. The guys will go first, and then we will go last, and the parents will judge so it can remain fair. “First up, is the sock game, whoever can make the most matches out of this pile will be the winner. You have sixty seconds, so whoever is playing, line up,” she tells everyone, and we line up, seeing as we are the only men besides Parker’s dad and my dad. We are too competitive to not play every game they have today because we have to shit talk. “Alright, sixty seconds on the clock! Ready, Set, Go!” she yells, and we’re off. It literally looks like a tornado swept over the table. Socks are flying everywhere.

“Why are they so fucking small?” Atlas yells as he struggles to make one match. Meanwhile, the fathers are putting matches together better than a relationship coach. And then it happens Atlas and Jospeh pick up the same sock, and neither will release it, so it becomes a wrestling match over a sock.

“Give me the damn sock! I grabbed it first!”

“The hell you did! It’s my sock. You don’t even have this sock in your pile!” Joseph yells. They pull on the sock until it rips, which pisses Joseph off so badly he reaches over the table and scoops up the small pile of socks Atlas has accumulated throwing them across the room, which prompts Atlas to flip the entire table, making everyone’s socks go flying.

“Now, why in the hell did you do that? We don’t have anything to do with this shit!” Asher says. “I want credit for all my socks,”

“Since there are no socks left on the table, no one gets any points,”

“Oh, you’re going to have to see me after the party is over,” Aryan says to Joseph as he walks past him.

“I can see you now,” he says, mushing Aryan’s head, so Aryan punches him in his kidney, making Joseph buckle as he reaches for his side.

“Sit your old ass down, Joseph, before you get hurt.”

“Please try it,” Joseph says.

“Can we behave with some decorum, please? This is, afterall, Parker and Jaasiel’s baby shower ,and I know y’all better get back over here and clean this mess up,” Savvy says and we hurry to do what we are told. Not so much because she told us to, or the fact that we should, but once again, no one wants to anger Josh, and the quickest way to do that is to piss Savvy off.

“Okay, now it’s the women’s turn. The rules are the same they have sixty seconds to make as many matches as possible. Whoever gets the most correct matches wins!” Josh says as the women take their place at the table. “Ready, set, go!” he yells and they begin.

“At this point, all they have to do is get one match to win because you two dickheads gotta act like fucking toddlers,” Jaasiel says to Joseph and Atlas.

“He started it,” they say in unison, making us all shake our heads.

“I swear you two didn’t mature past pre-school,” Asher says.

“That’s not fair!” Anson yells out, bringing our attention back to the women. Who are separating the socks by color and making pairs together.
