Page 44 of Jabarri

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“There’s no rules against it,” Josh tells them. “Times up!” he calls and the women have almost every sock in a pair. “Savvy wins this one with twenty-one pairs!” he yells out kissing Savvy.

“Figures, I mean she does have the most children,” True says.

“Plus she’s a grandmother,” Carla adds in, and Savvy rolls her eyes at them both.

“The way you were going, you almost caught up too, Miss Hot-In-The-Pants,” she says to Carla, who cocks her head to the side in contemplation before nodding her agreement.

“I mean, have you seen my husband,” she asks with absolutely no remorse whatsoever.

“And the women take this round,” he says, looking over to us like he is disappointed.

“Alright, guys, you’re up.” True calls out again. “These are dirty diapers, and you have to throw them in the garbage, aka the bucket over there. Whoever gets the most in, in sixty seconds, wins.”

“Is there stuff in the diapers?”

“Yep, so be careful because you will be responsible for cleaning up your mess,” she tells them with a little smirk on her face. “Ready, set, go!” she yells, and we begin throwing dirty diapers across the room into the buckets. Now this is a challenge we excel at. I pick up a diaper, and I feel Skai work her hand under my shirt and begin making circles on my chest and the diaper misses the bucket by a mile. I move her hand, quickly picking up another diaper, readying to throw it, and she plasters herself to my back, and this time, the diaper hits the wall. I look at my brothers, and they are all having similar problems. Joseph has completely given up on the game altogether and is in a heated lip lock with Joyce. “Times up!” True yells as she moves away from Atlas.

“Now that’s a damn shame,” Jaasiel says, laughing at us. Not one of us got a diaper in the bucket. I am glad the kids are off in another room watching a movie, cause some of the shit that was going on was R rated and moving into XXX.

“Once again, the men did not score. Time for the women,” she says, sashaying away from Atlas. The women line up to play the game, Josh yells, “Ready. Set. Go!” We are on them before they can throw their first diaper, but much to our dismay, they still throw diapers. Skai is on the end opposite her mother so I know she cannot see what I am about to do to her daughter. Leaning over, I whisper, “Are your panties damp with my cum?” and her diaper goes clear across the room.

“Jabarri,” she hisses, frantically, looking around to make sure no one heard me.

“I am going to have you dripping on the sheets all night,” I tell her, pushing up against her. I watch her grip the edge of the table, and I know she’s turned on and dripping our mixture in her panties. “If your panties weren’t wet before, I know they are now,” I tell her just as Josh calls, “Time! It looks like the women win this one, too.”

“Wait how?” I ask, trying to figure out who could resist their husband.

“Savvy got three in her bucket.”

“Turncoat,” Atlas says when we sit down at our table.

“When she told me what she had in store for me later if I left her alone and let her shoot, it was a no brainer,” he says unapologetically and truthfully once he put it that way I understood.

“Alright, the women have two, and the men have a big fat zero! Since there are only three games that means the women have won the baby shower game off! There is one final game for us all to play together so Momma B is going to take over,” True says. A few minutes later, we all have a string tied around our waist with a pacifier hanging at the end.

“Alright, the objective is to swing the pacifier and catch it in your mouth. The first person to get the pacifier in their mouths, wins. This game is not timed so, ready, set, go!” she says and we all begin rocking our hips to make the pacifier swing. We look absolutely ridiculous, at one point, Aryan and Anson’s string gets tangled, Joseph looks like he’s bowing instead of swinging his hips. Josh and Asher got their pacifiers swinging pretty good but they keep missing their mouths. I focus on my pacifier and rock my hips, building up a nice swing before I lung at it and miss. I swear I look like a giant chicken. My string comes loose, so I take a quick few seconds to retie it and begin moving again. I swing the pacifier up, catching it in my mouth. I shoot both hands in the air in victory, spinning around showing everyone my win.

“I mean it makes sense since he just got off of the pacifier a few years ago,” Atlas laments, making everyone else chuckle, including me. We end up sitting around talking, laughing, and eating until one by one we head off to bed, and for the first time I have the woman I have loved for years by my side. I take her hand and head towards our bedroom. “You better wake up. We have some unfinished business to attend to,” I tell her when she yawns. “You can sleep on the plane,” I suggest as I close and lock our bedroom door.


Ugh, it’s been a few weeks since we came back from Florida, and I want to go back now! It was so peaceful and relaxing I didn’t have to look over my shoulder or have an armed guard with me every minute of the day. I don’t know how much longer I need to have all of this protection when literally nothing has happened. When I get home tonight, I am going to talk to Jabarri about stopping all of this. I check the time, and realize that I am running late picking up my dress. I will try it on, and if there is no issues I will take it home. Shepp, is really getting married! That was one reason he and Saint didn’t come to the Keys with us. They were knee-deep in preparation. He and Isabella did not want a big wedding, just her parents, brother, sister and of course, her daughter. Now Shepp didn’t have that luxury. He has me and Saint, my mom, and our dad and his wife, our other siblings from our dad, and then we have the Gideons, along with GrandPeter and GrandDoctor. or GD, that’s what I call Lennox. I remember her reaction when I called her that, she was so happy. “I was wondering if I would ever get a nickname, too, but I wouldn’t have asked or expected it. I know how much y’all loved Savvy’s mom and miss her.”

“True, but we love you, too, just like we love GrandPeter, and we love how much you love each other. So even though I had an amazing grandmother, you are an amazing GrandDoctor, and I wanted you to know that. I know she would have loved you, but is GD too masculine?”

“Nope, don’t you dare try to change my name,” she says immediately. “Besides, it fits perfectly next to Peter’s GP,” we hugged and she’s been GD ever since.

That doesn’t include the twins, the triplets, Dr. Mack, the General and Bree, Praise and Eli, yes, they are dating, and it is too cute. He is totally head over heels for her. Then there is T’Aundrea, Angie, and Malachi, our Aunt Bailey and Aunt Shell. Our mom’s side of the family alone is about fifty people. So it’s a hundred or less people type of small wedding. I step out of my office, and there is Emerson, “You’re shift?” I ask. “Yes, but I need to pick up my dress, too, and I was looking forward to hanging out with you today,” she says and I immediately feel guilty. The people guarding me are my family, and they love me and only want me safe and I am being a baby about it.

“Then let’s make a day out of it,” I tell her, sending a text to my boss letting her know I am working from home the rest of the day. “We’ll grab our dresses, then grab lunch and perhaps do a little shopping.”

“Sounds good to me,” she says, sending a text, no doubt letting someone know we are on the move. The dresses fit perfectly and no alterations were needed, so we took them and put them in the back of the car as we headed for lunch. There’s a new BBQ joint that I have heard good things about, so we head there and get shown to our seat. We take a few minutes to go over the menu, but I already know I want pulled pork, cowboy baked beans, mac and cheese with hush puppies and sweet tea. We give our order when the server comes back over, and Emerson is getting the same thing as me.

“How are things between you and Jabarri?”

“Wonderful,” I say, blushing. “It’s so nice not having to hide, having everything out in the open with our family and that they are okay with it and support us. Deep down, I was worried how they would feel, you know? I love DJ and all of his brothers, but there was always something different about Jabarri, but under those circumstances, I refused to even consider looking into it. Although, knowing what I know now, maybe if I had, I could have saved myself, Jabarri, and Alayna a lot of heartache.”

“You can’t do that to yourself. You did the best you could under your circumstances. In the end, things worked themselves out, not the way you anticipated, and maybe a lot hurtful, but in the end, it was what was best for you,”
