Page 4 of Impossible Crusade

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“Habla ingles?” He lifted his voice over the Latin music playing on the taxi’s radio and looked to the taxi driver.

“No, senor. Lo siento.”

“No worries.” Aiden nodded and smiled at him.

The man shrugged as if he had no clue what that meant.

“That’s good,” Aiden whispered against her neck. “Still, please keep your voice down. The music should cover what we say as well.”

They reached the front gates of the resort and the driver turned down the music. Aiden’s muscular frame tensed against her as a security guard walked out of the guard house, spoke to the driver, then peered in at them. “Room number?”

“4261,” Aiden said. “Joshua Chambers.”

“Gracias.” The man waved them on.

The gate lifted and they drove through. The driver turned the music back up. If he couldn’t speak to his passengers, maybe he thought music would avoid any awkward silence.

“Is Joshua Chambers your alias?” she asked, wishing she could be alone with Aiden and learn everything about him. That was not smart on so many levels. She had a sinking feeling she’d never see him again after tonight.

“No. The man in the room next to mine. He had the pleasure of making my acquaintance this morning.”

Aiden relaxed against her as they motored onto the highway and got up to speed. She felt herself relax a little as well. The more distance between them and that awful Jorge the better.

The ride from the Cancun airport a few days ago had taken at least an hour. Maybe she’d get some answers on this drive. She still wondered at the wisdom of leaving the resort and getting in a taxi with a man she didn’t even know, but Aiden had rescued her and the resort felt much more dangerous right now.

Should she call Kingston? The general of Magna and his royal brother and cousins would do anything to help her, but all the impressive princes of Magna were thousands of miles away. Captain Aiden Porter’s arms didn’t feel dangerous at all. Safety and excitement existed in his arms. He was right here and seemed very, very willing to help her and hold her. She’d better be careful not to fall for her rescuer. Aiden appeared to be a gentleman and a capable security specialist, but he was also clearly a charmer through and through. He’d flirt with her tonight and not even remember her name tomorrow.

“Now,” he said softly, turning her toward him so she was staring at his face. She wanted to take those sunglasses off and see his eyes. “Are you all right?”

“A little late to be asking that.” She smiled to soften her words. “Yes. Thank you for saving me.”

“Nine-to-five stuff for me.” He grinned. “What’s your name?”

“Chalisa Anderson.”

“Beautiful name for a beautiful lady.”

“Nine-to-five stuff for you?” she asked, stiffening in his arms.

“Pardon me?”

“You save and flirt with beautiful women every day of the week?”

He chuckled. “Don’t let it upset you. All those other ladies were an assignment. I chose to rescue you.”

“Oh. Assignments, eh?” She’d been right. He was a player and thoroughly enjoyed teasing her about it. “And what am I to you?”

“You.” He slid his sunglasses off and, even in the darkened interior of the car, she was struck by how bright and incredibly blue his eyes were. She’d never seen eyes that magnetic. He had her instantly captured in a spell. She never wanted to break away from the safety and excitement of his arms or the allure of his blue, blue eyes.

He looked over her face and murmured, “Ah, love.”

Her heart threatened to beat right out of her chest. Love? He didn’t love her, didn’t even know her, but the way he looked at her and the way he said that …

“You are sadly a liability.” His smile attempted to soften the harsh word. “The most enticing liability I have ever met, that is for certain. Do men fall to their knees and beg you for one smile?”

She ignored his last line. That was all it was—a line. “A liability?” she repeated. “What does that mean?” An obligation? A burden? A loose end? She almost preferred men thinking she was a stick in the mud or interpreting her shyness as being snotty.

“Jorge noticed you and wanted you.” He turned the conversation rather than answer her straight. Somehow she was an ‘enticing liability’ to Aiden and that had nothing to do with him risking his ‘cover’ with Jorge.

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