Page 77 of Impossible Crusade

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He kissed her then, and the night exploded with light and happiness.

Hours later, they were driven from the police station to an exclusive neighborhood in Newport Coast. The security guards verified who Aiden was and let them through the gates. They pulled up to a rock and stucco home.

Aiden thanked the men and walked her to the front door. He typed in a code and swung the door wide.

“Low lights in the living area and back patio,” Aiden said.

Lights came on, and she could see a spacious living area with lots of windows and a pool glowing blue.

“Whose house is this?” she asked.

“Mine.” Aiden looked her over. “Do you realize there’s so much you don’t know about your favorite person on earth?”

“Yes.” She laughed, but it was true.

“I hope it doesn’t bother you, but I’m insanely wealthy.” He shrugged. “Part of the plan, you know?”

“Where else do you have homes?”

“Cape Cod and Tamarindo Beach, Costa Rica.”

“Wow.” She shook her head. “As long as I’m part of the plan.”

“Oh, you are.” He cradled her face in his hands and kissed her for a long time. When he pulled back, he said, “Love … I find I would like a European location as well. Would you mind having homes on Cape Cod, Newport Beach, Costa Rica, and Magna?”

Her heart raced. “You’re assuming I’ll say yes when you ask me to marry you.”

“Oh, you will.” He gave her a cocky grin and touched her necklace. “Everlasting love. You have to say yes.”

She smiled. Of course she would. “Why Magna?”

“I loved it there. It was magical, had a sense of home and family I’ve never experienced, and it’s the place we fell deeply in love.”

“Speak for yourself. I was in love with you the first night we met.”

“Ah.” He kissed her softly. “I was as well, but Magna is still magical to me.”

“I love it there too,” she admitted.

“I can assign bodyguards to protect you when I’m on a mission and you want to be working in your centers or at the hospital, but I absolutely love Magna and the people, and your family’s there. Hope needs her Aunty Shell.”

Chalisa smiled.

“Plus, I want to become an expert on jousting. I spoke with Lemuel and West about joining my team they’re ready to retire from active duty, but I can’t do that until I can beat Lemuel at jousting.” He smirked at that. “Truly, we can live wherever you want, but I want you to be with the people who adore you. I’ll set up my European headquarters there and when we have babies, your mom and sister will be right with you.”


Fire rushed through her at the look he gave her. “Lots of babies.” He ran his hand through her hair and cupped the back of her head, his fingers laced through her hair. “Once I get the perfect engagement ring and ask you in the most charming manner, how do you feel about a very short engagement, or even better, eloping?”

Chalisa ran her hands over his firm shoulders. “I think as soon as Ike and Myra can fly to Magna with us, that will be the ideal date. I have an in with the king and can get a marriage license quick. Pastor Brandon would happily marry us in their beautiful church.”

“I love you,” he said fiercely. Then he drew her close and kissed her just as fiercely.

Everlasting love.

But Aiden wasn’t her beetle. He was her man. Her Bionic Man, and also the right man for her. He who would never walk away from her again, not without plans to return, and they would create the happiness and home they’d both longed for. Together.
