Page 39 of Leather Dreams

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I don’t hesitate.

Taking several large steps toward him, I’m sure he thinks I’m probably pissed off at him. His brows pinch inward as he pulls his helmet off his head and props it under his arm. Fisting his jacket, I smash my lips onto his. I don’t wait for his response before trying to deepen it. He’s definitely in shock, but I refuse to take no as an answer.

The softness of his mouth against mine, molding into one…it’s unreal. There’s a spark that I never thought I would have without Leather, but I have been missing it all along. He is right here.

Wolf whistles and cheers resound around us. I couldn’t give two shits if I’m kissing him in front of everyone. It’s not about them, it’s about us. His tongue softly massages mine, finally melting into me. He’s accepting it fully.

The struggle to breathe finally takes over the fog of lust in my brain, and I pull away. He doesn’t seem to mind, instead laying his forehead against mine and gasping for air. It doesn’t take long for me to feel the tremble of his shoulders, wetness seeping from his eyes and onto our cheeks. Cupping his face in my hands, I try to get him to meet my gaze, but he refuses. I can only assume it’s from embarrassment.

“Give us a little bit,” I announce to the club. Thankfully, they don’t argue with me. Leading Knuckles from the main room, we take the stairs into my office, and I shut the door. The silence is deafening. Within moments, Knuckles’ knees are buckling underneath him, and he’s falling.

I barely have time to catch him before his body is racking with sobs. There’s never been a time where he’s cried, that I can think of. In fact, he’s usually the one telling everyone to suck it up.

“Woah,” I mutter, sitting us on the couch side by side. He wraps his arms around my waist, head perched on my shoulder. My arms wrap his shoulders, keeping him as close as I can. I can feel the wetness seeping through my clothing. Patting the back of his head, neither of us say anything as I absorb what has happened.

“I tried,” he croaks, his voice breaking off. “If those stupid fucking cops hadn’t…” again, he’s cut off by his own choked sob and tears. Unfortunately, I have been in a similar situation as him. It wasn’t with someone nearly as close as Leather is to him, and I had to quickly accept that it wasn’t viable to try and retrieve them. It’s just the way club life works, but I have done a lot of work to change that mindset. Losing members is not an option. If they are taken, we do our best to get them back. Sometimes, it’s not possible, then we hold funerals for those around that person to give them a sense of closure.

Shushing him softly, his head remains on my shoulder as I rub his back. There’s no words I can say to make him feel better. I could attempt to convince him that it’s not his fault, but this is Knuckles we’re talking about. Those two have been thick as thieves for as long as I can remember.

“I didn’t mean to kiss you earlier, I’m sorry,” I mumble, placing a soft kiss on his head. His hair tickles my nose a little, but this position is just too good to move away from.

“I’m not,” he chuckles gently, sniffling. Taking me by surprise, his hand reaches up to cup my own cheek. I don’t really have any response to him, so I wait for him to continue. “I can’t tell you how confused I have been about everything. The jealousy I have felt…I didn’t want to admit it. I suppose I’m already at my lowest right now, so I might as well admit that you’re the only one who has actually believed in me like this.”

“If we’re confessing our feelings…” my heart beats rapidly, my lungs squeezing with nerves. “Nobody wants to be on their own, and when we were standing there, I was just thinking…is this the moment when I find the one I want to spend forever with?” He tilts his head back, leveling me with his eyes.

“Did you just…” a watery laugh bubbles from him. “Did you just quote Nickelback?” I can’t help my own chuckle.

“You caught that, huh?” It was definitely from the heart, but I knew it would get a laugh out of him. His happiness is a better feeling than seeing his sadness.

His lips land on mine as we both continue to shake with laughter. It doesn’t take long for us to open up, his tongue lapping against my bottom lip, and I give in. It just feels so fucking right.

“You have no idea how long I have waited for this,” I mutter, a smile breaking out on his face as he pulls back.

“I think I know.” Sitting up, he turns to me fully, leg coming up and over my hips to straddle my lap. I have no choice but to grab his hips. His hardness grinds against my stomach. Repositioning myself on the couch, I nudge his ass with my own erection. Even if it’s between clothing, the pressure of him against me along with the feeling like my life is finally coming together. There’s a shift between us, one that neither of us were prepared for, but anticipating all the same.

“I don’t know what’s going to happen…but I’m prepared for wherever life takes us.” The devotion brings goosebumps to the surface of my skin. He doesn’t realize how deeply I needed to hear that. Some might say we’re moving too fast, but I think we’re just making up for lost time. A possessive feeling rears itself inside of me causing me to grip his hips tighter, pushing him down onto me harder.

“You’re mine,” I grunt. Our mouths collide. Capturing sparks is impossible, but the light behind my eyes from this connection…there’s no way we’re not connected as one. Like a wandering soul searching for its mate. It feels complete, but also hollow. Leather is out there, lord knows where.

“We’re going to find her,” he growls with conviction, bringing me back to our bubble. “Bear and Twelve already know they need to be giving information. Stay with me, just for a few more moments.” Nodding, we both meet in the middle again, continuing the kiss. This time, it’s not frantic nor rushed. We take our time, savoring the taste of each other and soaking in the body heat from one another.

Ever-so slowly, his hips rock against my own. The erection he’s sporting digs into my stomach from behind his jeans, the rough material both irritating and invigorating. As he moves, my own hardened length digs into his ass. The friction doesn’t help the dirty thoughts swirling in my head.

All I want to do is flip our positions, lay him out on this couch, and fuck him into the next year. I want to fill him so full of my cum that there’s no doubt who he belongs to. I want Leather here with us, have her riding his cock like she owns him while I own his ass. Maybe I will even own her ass too…Tornado could fuck her mouth while Knuckles and I dominate her pussy together…

There’s so many possibilities. Ones that aren’t available right now, and they won’t be until we get our girl back. Not only that, but I had too many thoughts racing through my head about Tornado. It’s all just too much to comprehend right now.

Chapter Thirty-Two


What is up with people coming for my head? Two sets of heartbeats pound inside my skull, dragging me between consciousness and sleep. Struggling to open my eyes, the first thing I realize is that the room is far too bright. I give myself extra time to adjust to everything around me. Squinting through my lashes, I notice the entire room is white.

My face is planted into a plush floor, one that seems too luxurious for the concrete basement.

Am I dead? Did they kill me?

“Shit,” I hiss, my shoulders threatening to give out from under me. “Yup, definitely not dead.” My head feels like it weighs more than the rest of my body, there’s no fucking way that I will be standing up anytime soon.
