Page 40 of Leather Dreams

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“Good morning!” Shouts a voice from somewhere in the room. Whipping around, I kink my neck and a radiating pain shoots down my back. “Don’t hurt yourself, I have plenty of plans for you,” he cackles, one that surges deep within my bones. There’s something about the way he says it…

Sucking on my teeth, classical music suddenly starts playing. My brows pinch in confusion. What the fuck? Again, I remain silent. Tapping against the floor, it’s soft and squishy, like a mat of some kind. Just as I’m about to push up onto my knees, the volume of the music cranks up. Collapsing onto the mat, I rush to cover my ears. Tucking myself into a ball, I press tightly to try and stop the music from overwhelming me.

The song ends after a while, leaving silence in its wake. I count to thirty and slowly unfurl myself. Taking a moment to assess what the fuck just happened, I prop myself on my hands and knees. In a sudden rush, it’s like the lights got even brighter, and I have to squint just to see. Even that seems to be far too bright. There’s heat hitting my skin. I can’t open my eyes enough to figure out where it’s coming from.

White light slams through the back of my eyelids, and I’m forced to ball back into myself to fend off the abrasive lights. However, being tightly wound into myself is hot and stuffy. I can hardly breathe. Just as a sweat starts to break on my skin, the air suddenly blasts cold, classical music playing softly. The breeze slowly freezes the perspiration. As the temperature drops, my body begins to ache and creek with movement.

It switches back and forth, switching between hot and cold air, then blasting music and having it in complete silence. It’s hard to concentrate on getting out of here, instead I’m trying to figure out if there’s a pattern going on with this fucking torture.

The speaker crackles, and I slam my hands over my ears to stop the screaming sounds. No noise follows the crackling, only having the speaker sit with static playing. I don’t test the noise, just waiting for it to stop.

Time can’t be told in here, no sense of sun up or sun down. The crackling happens again, but a voice follows immediately.

“We’re so happy to have you here with us!” The voice cheers brightly. Heckles wastes no time. “In case you weren’t aware, we decided it’s time for you to go through everything I endured.”

“Let me go!” I scream, slamming my hands on the cushion. That immediately gets me punished by blasting music. Heavy metal screams through the speakers, and I shriek in surprise. After a few seconds later it cuts off with his obnoxious laugh to follow.

“Welcome to your own personal hell, Leather. Why don’t you get comfortable, it’s going to be a while.”

Chapter Thirty-Three


“Any hits?” Prez asks, shifting in his chair. I’m perched right on top of his lap, his hand splayed on my thigh possessively. After the moment between Prez and I a few days ago, it’s been a complete one-eighty. Ever since then, we’ve been touching more and overall just inseparable.

“Nothing yet. Her tracker is still down.” There’s irritation radiating around the room. We’re all trying to figure out how to get Leather back, but it’s been a lot harder than we imagined. The installed microchip that we all have to get isn’t working. While trying to connect with hers, we ensured that the others are all working also.

“You don’t think it was removed, do you?” Twelve voices what we all are thinking. No one speaks, knowing there is a potential truth to his words. If it’s removed, no one will know her actual whereabouts. Prez’s hand squeezes my thigh, and it’s the only indication from him that the pressure is sinking in.

Swallowing thickly, I realize I will need to be the one to break the ice. “We have to consider the possibility-” the door slams open, the bang on the wall echoing through the church hall. Prez and I are facing forward, but everyone else swings around, guns drawn. A male stumbles into the room, falling flat on their front as they heave for air.

“Medic!” Prez shouts, lifting me off his lap and approaching the guy. Whoever it is doesn’t move, staying face down. One of the other guys runs out of the room, going to get medical while we all wait in stunned silence.

Prez slowly rolls over the individual, who groans in disapproval, but goes over. We all gasp, catching sight of Tornado. He doesn’t look beaten up, but he’s definitely dirty and doesn’t look too good.

“What happened, man?” Prez asks him, tapping his cheek lightly. Tornado’s eyes slide shut, and Prez smacks him again, this time a little harder.

“Not…Big D…” he croaks. Someone pops up with a bottle of water next to them. Shaking my head, I book it over the entrance and help him sit up. He greedily drinks the water, his throat bobbing with each gulp. If it wasn’t under these circumstances, I would say he’s fucking hot.

I mean he is either way, especially with his throat bobbing…clearing my throat, I have to look away from him to get the thoughts to go away. He’s a freaking cum-boat that I would ride…

“Shit,” I mutter, shutting my eyes in another attempt to fend off the wicked thoughts.

“You good?” Prez asks, brows furrowed as he feeds water to Tornado. I nod, refusing to use my voice. Swallowing thickly, I try to clear the frog from my throat.

Once the bottle is half gone and several minutes have passed in near silence, Tornado’s body weight gets heavier as his eyes close. Just then, the medic comes through with a back board thing. A few of the guys heave Tornado onto it, and haul it out.

“What did he mean, it’s not Big D?” I ask, watching brows furrow on multiple different faces. “Why would he come in and just drop that? I don’t fucking get it.” Sitting back on my heels, I run my fingers through my hair a few times. It happened so fucking quickly.

A hand lands on my shoulder, Twelve coming up behind me and consoling me quietly. The room remains silent, waiting for words from our president about what just happened.

Honestly, it’s like someone died. Which very well may have happened. That’s the problem, we don’t know. Our minds are filled full of the unknown, and that’s the hardest piece. Seeing Tornado brings hope and terror. If he’s here, where is Leather?

Where could she possibly be? There’s only one person who actually knows now, and he’s currently being treated for God knows what. Then, there’s another branch that’s weighing on me about him. Seeing him running in, barely hanging on and then collapsing down when he knows he’s safe…I can admit the horror I felt when both of them were reported missing.

He and I had gotten together on a whole new level, one that probably wouldn’t have happened without Leather there to coax us along. It was a bond that we quickly built, and there’s no doubt in my mind that he belongs with us. Now, after Prez and I confessed how we felt, I’m beyond confused.

A shaking pulls me from my thoughts, and I look around to see everyone is gone.
