Page 48 of Leather Dreams

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“Oh, has Prez not told anyone?” He asks. If I didn’t know him better, I would think he was being sarcastic. Knuckles likes to give people the benefit of the doubt, always the optimistic one in the bunch. Now, he’s genuinely confused, and I’m fucking irritated.

I have put the talk off for long enough, but I wish I could postpone it just a smidge longer.

“Daryn is the new leader of Big D, and is the biological brother of Leather,” I start, deciding to just rip the band-aid off. There’s an immediate uproar of shouting and pissed off men. It looks seconds away from breaking out in a riot. We simply don’t have time to sit here to suck one another off in a pissing contest.

Grabbing the whistle off the table, I blow it loud enough that several guys cover their ears and it falls silent almost instantly.

“If you would let me finish,” I start, giving them time to sit back down. “He was allegedly sold when he was a teen for trafficking. At least, that’s the impression Leather has been under the past several years. Fast forward to a few months ago when we caught wind of trafficking through the area. Turns out, Daryn has been working on getting rid of the men who are trafficking. He’s been cleaning the house for quite some time, and we have been keeping them in check. It’s a project that has not been announced due to complexity, and I hope you all can understand.”

“Who the fuck have we been hunting then?” Knuckles growls causing several people to shout in agreement.

“Daryn has been taking people out left and right which has caused some irritation in other clubs who were affiliated with them, which caused the increase in trafficking. I don’t know why they have been working under the Big D name, that’s still a piece of the puzzle I can’t quite put together, but I’m working on it. Turns out Heckles was one of the men that was imprisoned recently. There was a massive jailbreak and they escaped.”

“So?” Phisher asks, and everyone shares the same look of utter confusion.

“The mission that Leather and her crew went out on was fake and meant to be a set up for Leather to meet Daryn,” I start. Again, they are furious. I knew this would come eventually, but I wish it didn’t. I don’t want them to lose faith in me because of this shit. To be honest, I’m losing faith in myself.

I decide not to blow the whistle this time. Instead, I let them hash out how they are feeling and sit back to watch it. They are talking over one another, not giving each other a chance to speak.

Once they have all calmed themselves down, I simply raise my hand. Faster than before, they silence themselves.

“Are we done interrupting, or should I continue to wait?” I ask, unconvinced in their ability to shut the fuck up.

To my surprise, they actually don’t say anything else.

“As I was saying, Leather thought Daryn was probably as good as dead at this point. Due to other circumstances and wanting to protect Leather and Daryn’s identity, we worked to keep them apart until now. It seemed like a good opportunity for them to meet then get working on weeding out the shit eaters. Now, as we all know, Heckles has Leather and we can’t figure out where they went.”

“What have we all looked at thus far?”

“We’ve looked for property in his name, looked at those who chose to follow him instead of staying loyal to the club. None of anything we found has been where Leather is at nor recognized by Tornado.”

Looking at Knuckles, he’s acting nonchalant, as if it’s just another day on the job. The second his eyes meet mine, I can tell that’s not the case. “So, I’m going to take that as a no?” He asks heavily, the weight of everything barely seeping through his tone of voice.

Leather was his whole world, whether he wanted to admit it or not. She kept him on his toes and gave him a reason to keep going. We all saw how they kept one another upright and breathing. Shit, half the time they were attached at the hip. We’ve all lost someone close to us and woven our way back together, but Leather and Knuckles? They sewed one another up then put pieces of themselves in there as well.

Looking over at Phisher, he shakes his head. Of course we haven’t. I have kept this shit so far under wraps that no one would have even thought to call him.

Looking over at Tornado, his face is pure pity. Snarling at him, he must realize his mistake because he fixes his face almost immediately. Being in charge fucking sucks, that’s for damn sure.

“Alright, I will give him a shout, yeah?” Standing from the table, Tornado exits the room swiftly. The tension in the room was too fucking high, and with his hasty departure, it doesn’t make anything better. Actually, if anything, they are all even more skeptical.

Sighing heavily, I pinch the bridge of my nose. I have a lot more explaining to do.

Chapter Forty



“Ijust don’t understand why this wasn’t told to us earlier,” Phisher says, voicing the opinion that everyone else seems to have too.

Coming into this club, I knew shit was going to be weird once they found out where I was originally from. Big D’s reputation precedes them, and is making it pretty difficult to have a voice.

”If that’s the case, does that mean he was involved in the trafficking?” Knuckles asks, devastation on his features.

”Absolutely not,” I bark, unable to hold it in. “I didn’t condone it by any means, but we were threatened. There was no choice for us to leave. It was either stay or die.”

”No one makes anyone do anything. You have the ability to leave at any point. You’re here, which means that you ran.”

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