Page 68 of Leather Dreams

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Holy. Shit.

My cock jerks inside of her as I leg go fully, my body filling with tremors as ecstasy overtakes me. I’m not even sure if she’s breathing right now because all I hear is static. I can feel her nails inside of my skin, and that has to be the only thing keeping me grounded at this point.

I’m not even sure how long passes before we both relax, and I slump next to her, wrapping myself around her in a bear hug. She doesn’t protest, simply curling further into my embrace.

Chapter Fifty-Three


“What do you think they are doing?” I ask, sitting down on the chair. Prez toes off his boots and flops down on the bed heavily, sighing in relief after a long day.

“What do you think they are doing?” He retorts sarcastically, his head tilting to the side with a flat look on his face. Smirking, I untie the laces for my own boots and tug them off. I place them next to the chair, watching as Prez stares at the ceiling above him.

“I mean, I know she wasn’t exactly exhausted but that doesn’t mean they are playing hacky sack,” I deny. He snorts, not believing a word I said. Good thing for him because I don’t believe a lick of what I said either. If she’s not tired, she will somehow rope him into tiring her out. Better yet, knowing him, he will most likely offer his services to her.

“To be frank, I don’t even care right now. I’m so damn tired that thinking too hard might put me into a self-induced coma,” he yawns, positioning his arms behind his head. His eyes remain staring at the ceiling despite his words of exhaustion. Just as I stand, he quickly sits up and pats the bed next to him.

“Oh, now you want to talk?” I tease, stalking over to him and plunking down next to him. He wraps his arm over my shoulder, pulling me toward himself. We sit in silence for a while, simply enjoying each other and the closeness we share in this moment.

I can’t even begin to explain the feelings I have developed for him. There wasn’t a part of me that came here knowing I would find someone for me, let alone finding three people that seem to fit their pieces with mine just right. I was simply on a mission for self-preservation and to right a wrong. However, I preserved more than just my physical being. I sewed my emotional being back together with all three of these individuals by my side whether I realized it or not.

As far as righting the wronged, I learned my lesson on two sides to every story. The side which had more influence fed me lies and deceit. They used my neutral ground to try and gain a leg up. Unfortunately for him, I may have been impartial but I wasn’t born yesterday. His first mistake was not thinking that I would gather my own information. He needed someone who knew what they were doing but didn’t think of all the shit I would do on my own. Thankfully, it worked out in the long run.

If I hadn’t come here, I don’t think I would have ever met these guys. I would still be stuck there and trapped against my will. There was no escape for me unless I killed them, and I wouldn’t have been able to do that without the help of others. Silent Renegade, or more specifically Prez, took me in and gave me hope. He kept me from wallowing in my own self-pity and instead gave me a reason to keep going. I can’t explain how he helped me because I’m not even too sure myself. All I know is that he was there for me when I needed someone and hasn’t let me go since.

Even Leather was skeptical of me, not that I blame her, but she made it very clear that I wasn’t to be trusted. Her instincts were right on point, but she misplaced the reason for it. She didn’t have any reason to trust me, and she sure didn’t. I had three different agenda’s when I came here and falling in love with her wasn’t one of them.

“I can hear the cogs turning up there,” Prez mumbles, his grip tightening on my shoulder. “You want to talk about it?”

“I’m just thinking about everything.” He nods against my shoulder. “Isn’t it weird how far we’ve come?”

“What do you mean?” He asks. Sitting up and turning toward me, he clasps our hands together in his lap. He doesn’t push me to answer the question. He just sits there patiently with curiosity on his face.

“Just how everything has gone the way it has. How I came here scared and fearing for my own safety, searching for two different people in a world full of millions only to find them in one location, mixed inside one beautiful female,” I reminisce, remembering the way her auburn hair looked on that stage the first time I saw her. How the dais lit up just a bit brighter when she walked out on it. It wasn’t something I was anticipating, yet it seemed to only drive the appeal. When she handled him and made him obey her every command, I was pulled into a trance that I haven’t come out of. Quite frankly, I have no desire to come out of it. Even if this was a dream, I would live happily in my head.

“It’s definitely crazy,” he nods, staring at our joined hands. “When I met you, I remember feeling at ease. I couldn’t explain the feeling, and I will admit I felt a little crazy. Who just looks at a guy and thinks they feel at home?” He chuckles and shakes his head.

We sit here silently for a few more moments. My eyes flicker around his face as he stares at our joined hands. He looks deep in thought, but I want him to be able to tell me what he’s feeling with a clear head. So, I give him time.

“It’s strange, feeling like I have known you my whole life. I only felt that with Leather and Knuckles, but those two have always been joined at the hip,” he laughs, and I chuckle along with him. Those two are definitely inseparable. “With those two, I didn’t read any more into it because I knew she was struggling. She doesn't need my advances, and Knuckles practically throws himself at her any chance he gets.”

“Why didn’t you make a move?” I ask softly, flipping his hands in mine. I trace the lines of his palm in gentle strokes.

“She absolutely friend-zoned us,” he chuckles, bringing the back of my hand to his lips. “It didn’t seem fair to her, so I never did. It worked out in the end, like it always will.” Nodding my head, we stare at one another for a while. The silence isn’t terrible. In reality, we’re both the quiet types who don’t feel the need to fill the voids.

“I’m sorry that she didn’t notice you earlier,” I mutter softly, the emotions and longevity of the day finally catching up to me.

“Don’t be. She found me, that’s all that matters.” His hand cups my face, tilting it to look back up at his. I hadn’t even realized I looked away. “I’m also glad I found you.”

Leaning forward, his lips gently graze mine, almost experimentally. It quickly becomes all consuming as we devour one another. Hands grappling each other, we can’t seem to get close enough to one another. The hole in my chest fills almost instantly, and I realize that it’s him that I have been missing. I have had a connection with Leather and Knuckles, on both physical and emotional levels. Prez and I haven’t gotten that opportunity.

Until now.

After a moment, I finally manage to best him and tackle him onto the mattress. My body lays flat over his, and I grind down onto him, his hard cock concealed by his jeans creating the perfect friction for my own. Groaning against his mouth, I rock harder against him as I shove him further into the mattress with my weight. He doesn’t seem to mind since his large hands reach around me to grab my ass, kneading it through my jeans.

“Fuck,” I grunt, tilting my hips against him. Sucking his bottom lip into my mouth, I bite down onto it before hoisting myself up and off of him. “Strip.” I unhook the buckle on my belt and swiftly yank it from the loops.

“Make me,” he retorts, quirking a brow at me. With quick movements, I grab his wrists and secure them in the belt like cuffs. He struggles briefly but not enough to stop me.

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