Page 30 of Adam

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I’m so focused on the shower noise; I hear nothing else.

Her touch startles me, and I quickly turn to a naked Reese standing before me with a cautious look.

She is an angel sent from heaven to pull me from the depths of hell… or she is the devil tightening her grip on my soul, so I am forever bound to the gates of evil.

She doesn’t move and instead stands still, allowing me to decide what my next move will be. My fingers tap my thigh, trying to calm the anxious nerves that are flowing through my veins like lava. Her hair is now disheveled on her face, so I take my free hand and push her semi-wet strands of hair behind her ear. Her eyes stare me down and I find myself falling.

She is so fucking innocent.

Reese studies my body, focusing on my scars and tattoos.

“You served?” she whispers. I can only nod my head. “You were hurt?” she asks, but it comes out as a statement.

Again, I nod. “Does it still hurt?”

“Only in my head sometimes,” I answer, shaking my head.

I take a step forward and I’m appreciative she doesn’t back away. She stands a little taller and allows me to be in control. I rest my forehead against hers, letting my hands slowly travel up her side. Her skin is silky smooth, untouched. She is an angel, for sure.

My nose traces the outline of her face as my fingertips discover what I can see as uncharted territory. I stand nose to nose with her and let her hands slowly trace my chest. Every touch of hers feels heightened and cautious, giving us this illusion that everything is OK.

Her lips tenderly touch mine, waiting for my reaction.

“Are you sure?” I ask her, but I direct the question toward myself. Are you sure this is a good idea, Adam? No. This is not a good idea.

I back her up against the shower wall and keep my hands on her sides. Heavy breaths escape both of our mouths. Her lips, again, capture mine so gently. I can no longer resist her as I dig my fingers into the skin of her hips, my mouth devouring hers.

Her hands slip around my neck, drawing me closer. Her nails creep into my hair and I can only imagine them scraping down my back as I bring her to ecstasy. I press my body against hers, allowing my hands to explore more of her flawless body, my lips continuing to drink every drop from her. Her breathless moans warn me of her needs.

I run my hand down her side, moving over her stomach and down to her dripping wet center. Her body trembles in anticipation and my touch brings her pleasure. Hell yes, Adam, take her.

I stroke her clit and she pulls her face away, gasping for air. This kind of gasping is something I am not used to hearing or seeing. It’s the panting for more, begging for release, longing for pleasure this world has never seen.

“Oh god,” sweetly escapes her lips.

I am so focused on her that when her hand grips my extremely hard cock, I slightly jump from the contact. Fuck. That’s good. I pull away to look into her green eyes which seem to grow darker with lust. I need more.

I turn the shower off and quickly pick her up and leave the steamy inferno to display her in a more sensual place. As I stride from the bathroom to her bed, her thighs squeeze my sides. She has buried her face into my neck. Her tongue tastes all the perfect pressure points on the body to render victims motionless. This woman knows what she is doing. I lay her on the bed and let my body fall on top of her. Her hands grip my back and I am that much closer to her digging her nails in my skin and dragging them down my back. It is that need for a painful release. She will make me beg for it. I can feel it already. My dick is rubbing against her wet, sweet center, becoming aware of her arousal.

My mind is consumed by her alone, wholly mesmerized by her looks. She has scared my demons to the back of the room, where they growl and hold up their middle fingers. I smile into her kiss at the power she doesn’t know she has.

Her hand clutches my back and her eyes beg.

“Please! Jo…” she tries to moan my fake name. I can’t let her scream another man’s name while I am the one to give her pleasure, no matter if it is the same person. My lips suck the words from her mouth. Even though she knows me as John… you would have to be fucking mad to let a woman scream any name but your own.

I follow her lead and give my woman what she wants. I thrust into her hard, watching her head fall back.

“Yes!” she screams to the ceiling.

She is tight as fuck and I have to lie still for a moment, waiting for the grip on my back to lessen. Let her adjust to me while I fit so perfectly. I dip my head into her neck, smelling her skin, committing it to memory.

Her chest heaves, still gasping for air. It’s the most beautiful sound coming from her mouth. I feel her fingers relax and I rock my hips into her. She quickly grips me again and I pound into her hard. Needing more and more from her. I lower myself closer to her, looping my arms under her body. My mouth tastes her shoulders, her skin absorbing my moans. The amount of desire for this angel is overwhelming.

“Oh god! Oh god! Oh god!” she continues to scream. Calling to heaven for help.

That’s right, baby, keep screaming.

“Joh…” Again I can’t let her say that name. Quickly capturing her mouth so she can’t say the name I have come to loathe.
