Page 36 of Adam

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I groan as she pushes off of me to stand. I cough, trying to catch my breath.

“I felt nothing for you and that hasn’t changed,” I admit through shaking snorts.

“Why?!” She stands over me, screaming.

“Why what?” I look at her, confused.

“Why Reese?”

My veins fill with ice. She has been watching me closely. This bitch! I swing my arm up and punch her in the face. She steps back, holding her cheek.

“You bastard!”

I quickly roll over and position myself to face her. “You just crossed a line. You do not get to speak her name!” I say with a deep, thunderous roll of my voice.

“Poor Reese.” She fakes a baby voice. “Brother is a weak traitor and you are housing him like a lost puppy!”

“Shut your mouth!” I warn.

“Or what?” she challenges. “What is Adam going to do?”

“Test me, I am begging you!” Second warning.

“Big, bad, Adam. Begging like a baby,” She giggles. Pulling a gun from behind her, she points to the ground. “Get on your knees.”

Smirking, I know where she is going. She loved it hot and heavy when we were together. Begged when I got rough but loved it when she was in complete control. She loved to hold the whip and snap it to keep me in line. I slowly lower to my knees and wait.

“Typical, Jessica. Needing to be in charge.” I say.

“Typical, Adam. Weak, just like your best friend.”

“I’m waiting, you crazy bitch. What do you want?”

She walks toward me and bends over so we are face to face. “I wanted you,” she whispers against my lips. I lean back so we do not touch. “But since you are being so damn difficult,” she stands tall, taking a step back. “I think I want Reese. I’m a bit more particular in getting what I want since we last met face to face.”

She bends over and runs her hand across my jaw. “I like her brown hair. Wonder what it would be like when I run my fingers through her thick waves as she is on her knees, pleasing me. A woman like her will do anything to stay alive.”

I spit in her face, causing her to stumble. It opens the moment for me to tackle and pin her to the ground. I warned her twice. She whines, yet her smile tells me she enjoys this banter we have going.

“You come close to my girl and I will end you.” I get close to her face and stare into her nasty blue eyes. “I have spared you due to who your father was, but since he passed away, I have nothing holding me back from snapping that pretty little neck. Think Pastor Martin would be proud of the prowler you’ve become?”

She still doesn’t cower or turn away. Instead, she smiles, and then I hear the gunshot. Pain radiates in my abdomen and I fall back, holding my stomach. I lift my hands to see no blood but I am still in so much pain. I lift my shirt to see a giant red-and-blue mark.

“Rubber bullet?” I laugh in pain. The throbbing has me paralyzed. I hear Jessica running out of the alley.

Don’t worry Jessica Martin… you could’ve easily found a better target to pursue. So focused on that dream of everything being perfect on the outside that it doesn’t matter how repulsive one is on the inside. But no, you have decided that today would be a good day to meet death.



Reese Grafton

I sit at my desk, staring at my computer screen as a hot cup of coffee radiates beside me. Begging me to drink her in. Not my normal espresso with light cream, but a regular cup of black coffee, two sugars.

I feel like my world is being turned upside down. I spoke with Kevin and though nothing has been resolved; we are okay. Just hearing his voice was such a relief. He’s done so much for me since we were kids and even as adults, he has always been the male figure in my life to live up to.

I haven’t dated a lot of guys in my life. No one could get past Kevin’s approval. Things would be great in the beginning, but then the time came when he would meet them in person or on Skype, and he would never give approval. It was his tone that would be the end of the relationship. Short, firm responses are all I need. In reality, I never invested in those men.

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