Page 40 of Adam

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“He limped around. Maybe leg or back injury?”

“That helps. I will make a call. I’m sure it’s all fine.” His flat tone oozes with annoyance.

“You always pass it off to someone else. You could show that you cared for once!”

Oh, Allison, you shoot for the stars with this one.

“Care? I’m handling it all! Would’ve been quicker had you not totaled your car and gone to the hospital! No privacy at the hospital with all the board members stopping by to kiss your ass! By the way, I have gone above and beyond for our family!” It’s his turn to stand and pace the room. “You are a pain in my ass, Allison. You insist on shit from me. My name carries you!”

I roll my eyes at the privilege. As if we should all bow to his presence.

“I told you! I tried to stop the car and the brakes gave out! It wasn’t my fault! You were the one insisting that I drive that car anyway,” she insinuated.

I nod my head in agreement. Should’ve never boasted about buying the car for your “hardworking wife” while shamelessly promoting the brand. They gave you that car for free to drive as long as you helped promote the lifestyle of driving it. You both now have lost the sponsorship with them, as this is now a legal issue. Another financial hit. Let’s see what else our unbashful billionaire can lose.

“Can you not see the situation before us?” she asks.

No, Allison, he can’t. He’s still busy thinking about how he got his dick wet by his secretary.

Allison walks over to his desk and sits on the side. Her focus changes from him to the bookcase behind him. “What’s that?”

He turns in his squeaking chair to the wall of bookcases behind him. “What?”

She picks up an earring off the bookcase. “Who does this belong to?”

He looks it over thoroughly and shakes his head. “I don’t know.”

“No shame? You brought her here?” she accuses. Looking down, she sees a pair of panties on the ground.

I had taken a chance at planting a few things around the house. Just for shits and giggles, but for those I didn’t. Oh, Mr. DuPont. You have just made this easier for me.

He presses his lips together to keep from saying the wrong thing. Yes, this billionaire has everything monetary at his fingertips, but this woman can break him. His reaction to all of this proves that she holds his balls. I am guessing they were so in “love” when they first got together that they didn’t sign a prenup. Quick wedding to prove to their parents that their love was real. I place my hand over my heart and pretend to swoon. Now, look at them. Money got the better of her and greed fueled his day.

“Our family house is off-limits!” She pushes a finger into his chest.

“You haven’t been here in months! I’ve only seen you at charity functions and luncheons!” He pushes his chest into her finger harder. “You like to stay at your apartment in the city!”

“You can’t keep it in your pants! You didn’t even say sorry when I caught you with the girl who checks the coats from the fundraiser.”

“We haven’t slept together in years! What am I supposed to do?”

She paces the floor again. “I don’t know.”

“You cut things off between us. Walked away from our marriage!”

“You know why. You know what you did!” she screams.

“You can’t keep using that against me!” He slams his hands on the desk. “That was years ago. Can you not let it go?” He throws an empty bourbon glass against the wall in frustration. “I am so sick of this shit! Let it go!”

“I can’t let it go!” she screams louder. “I raised those boys as my own! I forgave you, but I can’t forget! You placed the boys in my arms and asked me to raise them because their mother was a piece of shit who only wanted to trap you. She’s got her sugar daddy for the rest of her life.”

Well, well, well! I did not see that bomb! I salivate at the information. She isn’t the boy’s mother.

“You put us at risk when you had that affair and now we pay for her to live the good life. These…” She twirls the panties in her hand. “Hope the little tramp is worth it!”

“She is! Oh, Allison, she is!” Mitchell gets face to face with his wife. “You should see the way she satisfies me! Does everything I ask and then some!”

“You are disgusting!”
