Page 49 of Adam

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I sit and stare at this perfection before me, and the realization is seeping through my skin. I would gladly kill and burn the world down for her. I can feel the anxiety building in me and unconsciously tap my thigh under the table. She looks down and catches me in action.

“John?” she gently whispers. Cautiously gauging my actions.

I bite my lip and smile. “I’m okay, darling,” I say, wanting to reassure her.

She waits a minute until the tapping slows, and she rests her hand on top of mine. I turn my hand over and intertwine our fingers together. She doesn’t move, like before in the shower. She lets me take the lead when I am ready. The to have all of her is becoming so much that it is torture.

“I have something for you in my office.” She breaks the silence.

“What’s that?” I ask.

“It’s a surprise!” She smiles widely.

I nod my head and stand. Our hands are still locked together, so we grab our trash with our empty hands and go to throw everything away. I notice how she doesn’t even try to let go.

She walks us to the building and bypasses the security next to the elevators. As the doors shut and we are momentarily alone, I swing her body into mine. My free hand finds the back of her neck, pulling her closer. My lips meet hers, silently thanking her for the patience she gives. I rest my forehead against hers. It’s becoming harder to find ways of showing her my gratitude for things she knows nothing about. I crave her, all of her—mind, body, and soul.

The elevator climbs, and we pass floor after floor, our eyes never wavering from each other. I know we both have different thoughts about how this moment is playing out and I want to make a mental memory. The way she makes me feel, the hope she gives this world, the beauty she sees behind those beautiful green eyes.

We stop at her floor, and the doors open to people hustling around the office. A coworker runs past and Reese eyes her.

“Hey, Jenny, what’s going on?”

The woman stops and almost topples over in her heels. “DuPont canceled his trip to Hong Kong. He’s heading here to meet with Jack.”

“Well, shit.” Reese shrugs.

“What does that mean?” I ask, looking between the two women.

“Means damage control and any of us could be in the firing line,” Reese explains. “The last time he canceled a trip and met with Jack, DuPont fired ten people.”

“And then Jack’s office moved to this building near DuPont’s.” The coworker points to a corner office.

There it is.

Nodding, I look back at Reese, who holds a worried look. I squeeze her hand. “I’m sure everything will be okay.”

“I hope so.”

“Got to go. I am behind on Jack’s depositions and interrogatories.” She takes off like a bat out of hell.

I look at Reese and we both let out a laugh, although hers sounds a bit more panicked.

“Wait here. I’ll be right back.” She gives my hand a firm squeeze.

“Don’t want me to come to your office with you?” I tease.

She leans her body into mine and whispers. “I don’t trust myself in there alone with you. After the last time…” her voice trails off.

My tongue wets my lips with my eyes firmly set on her features. “You tease.”

Her breath catches as she struts away to her office. Swaying her hips. Yes, baby, I see you.

I glance around and walk through the chaos to Jack’s office. Jenny is not at her desk, but his door is wide open. I shake my head at the arrogance of the man. Slipping past the doorframe, I slink behind the desk. His computer is on but requires a password to unlock it. A man with this much on his plate can’t possibly remember passwords. Reese complained about having to change her password every two months. Security reasons to keep up with cyber hacking are how she explained it, but it was all Spanish to her.

I looked under his desk calendar, and that was a failure. I reach under his desk and don’t feel any taped papers. Keyboard. I flip his keyboard over and there it sits. Taped list of passwords. Sucker.

I unlock the computer and plug in an external USB drive. I send a text off to my contact. Old McDonald had a…
